Following up on my previous post, here are some more recipes that use wiener sausages on Cookpad:
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japanese offbeat
I often like to peruse the excellent Japanese cooking site Cookpad. Cookpad is a unique cooking community site. The bulk of it consists of cooking blogs, where people post recipes and pictures. People can post short responses to the recipes called tsukurepo, where they show a photo of their attempt making the recipe. A lot of recipes also note which other recipe on the site inspired the poster to come up with theirs.
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japanese offbeat
Some time ago, when there were blog memes galore, I vowed never to do another meme again. Then I got tagged by Mei from mei eats, a really fun food blog from Taipei. So since this gives me a good excuse to link to Mei, here are some non-food facts about your humble author, other than what's on my about page.
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The disaster zone kitchen has been largely cleared up now. The kitchen table is still piled up with foodstuffs that need to be re-housed, but otherwise things are mostly back to normal. Except that is for my general will to do some serious cooking. There is something about throwing away bags of ruined flour, sugar, and formerly dry pasta that damages ones will to live, er, that is cook with a light heart.
What I did discover though is that I am a hoarder. With a small household, there's no need at all to have so many things stockpiled. Why did we even have 6 bags of sugar and buy flour by the ten-pack anyway, when it's not even cheaper to do so? I don't bake that much, and I only need sugar in large amounts during jam and preserve making time, which is still weeks down the road. Likewise, we have still 10 cans of tuna when we barely eat the stuff at all.
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essays offbeat
A shoutout to all U.S. readers who have a Baskin Robbins store nearby: tonight (May 2nd) they are holding a 31 cent scoop promotion from 5 pm to 10 pm. It's been a long time since I've had one of the 31 flavors, seduced as I've been by richer ice creams, but for 31 cents...why not? Spread the word!
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Back in February I reported on the new limited edition Guinness Marmite. Since then, the salty yeast spread connoisseur in me yearned to taste this mysterious combination. Parts of me panicked at the thought of it selling out before I had a chance at it.
Enter my friend Mimi to the rescue. She kindly procured not one, but four, yes 4, 250 gram jars of Guinness Marmite for me, which arrived in the mail today. My first reaction: "ZOMG, a kilo of Marmite!" (That's about 2.2 lb for the metrically challenged.)
Calming down, I proceeded to inspect it in detail.
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ingredients offbeat uk marmite
I couldn't let Sunday pass by without posting this: the New Jersey Spaghetti Harvest. Oh, the pathos, the corporate evil, the.... Just go watch. Now.
[via raincoaster]
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This Sunday is April Fool's Day. Too bad it's on a weekend, since that reduces the opportunities for good old office fun. I am going to take the weekend off again from the online world, but in the meantime enjoy the Swiss Spaghetti Harvest from the archives. The weather's been so nice, maybe I'll go down to the Ticino to check out this year's crop...
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swiss tv bbc offbeat

Don't forget to tune in to (previously mentioned on Just Hungry here) today! They are going to turn the Big Cheese over, take a core sample, and see how it's doing! If they haven't already...I'm not sure. Was that label on the other end before? (thanks Mimi!)
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cheese tv offbeat uk
It smells like spring, and it feels like spring. It was so warm today that we left the windows open all day, and the garden is covered with snowdrops and wild pansies. And, there were strawberries! on sale! at the supermarket. They looked so red and tempting, I bought two boxes. By the time they got home though, some were already bruised beyond repair. The rest? Hard and sour, or tasting moldy in an odd way.
I guess I have to wait a couple more months for the real thing.
On a brighter note though, this felt strawberry cake from etsy seller kenshop looks nearly good enough to eat:

I wonder if I am alone in finding comfort in imitation food when the real thing doesn't satisfy...
Filed under:
fruit offbeat fake food