I send Happy Earth Day greetings to you all with pictures of virile vegetables
Spring onions! Look at those virile roots.
Fresh, still-moist garlic!
Artichokes! Oh my, what artichokes!
What better way to celebrate Earth Day than with local, organically grown vegetables?
Submitted by maki on 2009-04-22 21:03.
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22 April, 2009 - 22:00
Re: I send Happy Earth Day greetings to you all with ...
What better way to celebrate? Eating those veges, of course!
Lydia (The Perf...
23 April, 2009 - 04:53
Re: I send Happy Earth Day greetings to you all with ...
Lovely images to celebrate Earth Day! I took a photo of daffodils in my garden this morning, and sent it to friends around the world.
23 April, 2009 - 10:01
Re: I send Happy Earth Day greetings to you all with ...
Daffodil pictures - how wonderful! (Though they aren't edible...yes i'm fixated on the edible... ^_^;)
23 April, 2009 - 13:16
Re: I send Happy Earth Day greetings to you all with ...
Lovely pics! The colours are so beautiful, even on the garlic, which I never would have though of as being pretty before!
23 April, 2009 - 16:35
Re: I send Happy Earth Day greetings to you all with ...
I had no idea that onions could look so, well... sexy... like a cowboy or a farmer standing all dusty on your front porch after a long hot day of in the muck and mud. He takes off his hat, knocks it against his knee and says with a nod of his head, "Evening, hun." The logical part of your brain thinks, "OOOooo, dirty, yuck!" but the smart, earthy part says, "Dang... sexy!"... you know THAT kind of sexy. ~_^ ... What can I say, your pictures inspired me! ^_^
Aloha! Laurel
23 April, 2009 - 19:56
Re: I send Happy Earth Day greetings to you all with ...
Wow Laurel, you're getting me all hot under the collar... great description! :)