Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet omelette

Tamagoyaki is such a integral part of Japanese food that I am rather kicking myself for not having posted a recipe for it before here. The name tamagoyaki means "fried egg", and the alternate name, atsuyaki tamago, means "thick fried egg". (Some books or restaurants erroneously called it just tamago, which just means "egg".) A slightly sweet, moist square-shaped egg concoction, tamagoyaki is a bento box staple, as well as being a popular sushi neta (topping). It's also great as a side dish for any meal.
You don't really need a special tamagoyaki pan for making this. A regular small non-stick frying pan will do. The one advantage of having a small tamagoyaki pan like this one is that the size is good for making small, thick tamagoyaki without using extra eggs. Conversely, a big square tamagoyaki/atsuyaki tamago pan is used for making those thick tamagoyaki served at better sushi restaurants. (Cheap sushi places use manufactured tamagoyaki, which is an abomination.) However, I'm assuming most people are likely to own a small frying pan, so that's what I've used for the photos here. The one I have is an ordinary (pretty cheap) Tefal model that I got at a sale somewhere.
Once you get the hang of making the multilayers of egg, it's very easy to do. A 2-egg tamagoyaki takes less than 5 minutes to cook, and a 4-egg one just a bit more. 4 eggs is the maximum that's practical to cook in a 20cm / 8 inch standard frying pan.
I prefer my tamagoyaki to not be too sweet so there isn't much sugar in this - I've seen recipes that add up to 3 tablespoons for 4 eggs. You can add more or less to your taste.
Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki tamago
Halve the quantities for a 2-egg tamagoyaki
- 4 'large' eggs
- 1 Tbs. sugar
- 1 tsp. mirin
- 1/4 tsp. salt
- 1/2 tsp. light soy sauce (usukuchi shoyu); you can use regular soy sauce instead
- Oil for cooking
- 20cm / 8 inch (small) non-stick frying pan
- A heat resistant brush OR a wad of cotton wool or kitchen paper, for spreading the oil
- 1 or 2 forks, or 1 fork and a pair of chopsticks - or if you are skillful one pair of chopsticks
- Sushi rolling mat
- Optional: a fine-meshed sieve
Heat up the pan on medium-low heat. Make ready a small bowl of oil, and the brush or wad of cotton wool or kitchen paper.
Beat all the ingredients together with a fork or chopsticks. Don't use a whisk since you don't want it to get foamy.
Optionally, strain the egg mixture through a sieve to even it out. (I usually don't bother with this step but it does make for a finer and more even egg mix.)
Brush the heated pan with a little oil. Put in about 2 to 3 tablespoons worth of egg mixture in the pan. Cook gently (lower the heat if necessary) until it's not quite set on top, but not runny. Roll it up with a fork or chopsticks to one side of the pan.
Brush the exposed part of the pan with a little oil.
Put another couple of tablespoons of egg mixture in the pan. Spread it around, lifting the cooked egg so that the uncooked egg flows below it.
Cook until this layer is almost set, then roll the whole egg to the opposite side of where it is.
Brush the pan again with oil. Add another couple of tablespoons of egg mixture in the pan, and spread around the pan and under the cooked egg.
Keep repeating this procedure until the egg mixture is used up.
Put the tamagoyaki on a moistened sushi rolling mat, seam side down.
Roll it up tightly. If you are eating this right away you can take it out and serve immediately, but if you're making this for an (o)bento, leave the whole roll in the mat over a raised rim plate or bowl until it's cooled to room temperature. This allows air to pass under and over it, cooling it faster.
And here is the finished tamagoyaki. Slice with a sharp knife and enjoy. (If you just want even pieces, just leave off the ends. These usually end up in my mouth right there.)
A 2-egg omelette is just thinner, making smaller bits, but is just as good. You will only probably need 3 layers of egg for 2 eggs, so it goes quickly. The picture here shows some slices of 2-egg tamagoyaki to the left, and 4 egg tamagoyaki to the right.
If you really want a purely yellow tamagoyaki, cook it over low heat and use light soy sauce. Using light soy sauce makes your omelette slightly lighter in color, if you want to avoid any browning. But I usually just use regular soy sauce since browning doesn't bother me. Keep in mind that light soy sauce is not lower in salt content, just lighter in color. (It's different from low-salt soy sauce.)
Vary the flavor and look by adding finely chopped green onion or garlic chives, or small bits of nori seaweed. To achieve a black-and-yellow spiral effect, put torn pieces of nori over each almost-set egg layer before rolling.
If your tamagoyaki seems a bit too runny, you can firm it up by nuking it in the microwave for about a minute. Don't over-nuke or you'll end up with a firm rubbery thing.
The ideal accompiment when serving piping hot tamagoyaki is some grated daikon radish, with a tiny bit of soy sauce.
A variant of tamagoyaki is dashimaki tamago, where some dashi stock is added to the egg mixture. This makes for very thin layers, and thus requires some patience.
See also
A simplified 1-egg tamagoyaki, a single portion that's perfect for a bento box.
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6 March, 2007 - 21:09
I’ve been wanting to learn
I've been wanting to learn how to make this for ages but I can never seem to get the cooking process right. I'm really glad someone's written this with pictures! :)
Thanks a ton. I'll be trying this out for sure.
27 June, 2013 - 22:37
Re: I’ve been wanting to learn
[quote=Amy]I've been wanting to learn how to make this for ages but I can never seem to get the cooking process right. I'm really glad someone's written this with pictures! :)
Thanks a ton. I'll be trying this out for sure.[/quote]
I'm the same, the pictures helped SO much!! I made it today and it tasted great. I like things a little more sweet so I added half a tablespoon of sugar. The great thing is my 3 year old daughter who doesn't do eggs ate this like candy, she even asked for seconds.
7 March, 2007 - 02:46
I really like dashimaki
I really like dashimaki tamago, which is seasoned with dashi. Topped with grated daikon and a bit of soy, it doesn't get much better.
14 February, 2013 - 21:34
Re: I really like dashimaki
How do you make the dashimaki tamago
18 February, 2013 - 06:47
Re: I really like dashimaki
9 March, 2007 - 00:51
I've never had this before, but I just tried it and it is delicious. thank you so much for the recipe and the pictures which were of AMAZING help.
12 March, 2007 - 16:02
Have to try it!
Wow, that looks good, I think I'll try it right now. I'm a little scared though, it looks difficult. Wish me luck!
12 March, 2007 - 17:38
It was wonderful
Hey, it wasn't too hard at all. And sooo good. I will definitely make these more often.
12 March, 2007 - 18:31
It's really great to hear when the recipes turn out well! :)
12 March, 2007 - 19:50
Gorgeous photos and yummy tamagoyaki!!
I tried these tonight and your photos were so helpful. Of course, mine didn't turn out as beautiful as yours. I think I didn't get enough egg underneath the rolled/cooked egg bit...mine browned too much. But the taste was marvelous! Thank you so much for posting this recipe! :)
16 March, 2007 - 14:37
Yummy tamagoyaki
I just tried making this tamagoyaki... in fact I'm eating it right now. My whole family loved it! Even my sister who doesn't normally like eggs. The only problem was we don't have a sushi rolling mat so I tried to roll it using wax paper instead, (which didn't work so well...). But it tastes delicious, even my cat wants to eat it.
18 March, 2007 - 10:04
Hi I made this yesterday and it was soo yummy:)
I love making japanese food. For some weeks ago I learnd how to make onigiri:)
23 March, 2007 - 12:26
Great article, I made this based on your instructions and it turned out perfect!
lil star
25 March, 2007 - 19:54
i just tried making it - it was so easy! i'm a huge fan of tamago (the highlight of my chirashi sushi, such simple tastes :)) and i am so glad i can now make it on my own..
20 July, 2007 - 22:54
I accidently did the recipe
I accidently did the recipe wrong >-< whoops, lol. Used double the salt and soya sauce by accident. Also made the mistake of using artificial sweetener (NOT RECOMMENDED, evil aftertaste!!). Next time I'll try and follow it more carefully. @--@ But regardless of my mistakes, it was still pretty yummy (just very salty, lol!). I didn't have any mirin so I used a couple dashes of vinegar and that seemed to work just fine though :)
28 July, 2013 - 15:30
Re: I accidently did the recipe
Yeah, don't do that. Mirin and vinegar are completely different. Vinegar is acetic acid and has a very sour taste. Mirin is saki + simple syrup, which is sweet and ethereal. The consistency is also redically different, as vinegar is essentially water while mirin is thick and viscous.
22 July, 2007 - 14:35
Hi Caroline, vinegar isn't really a substitute for mirin. Next time, try a bit of sake, or if you don't have sake a tiny bit of sherry. Or just leave it out and it will be fine. (Mirin is a sort of sweetish liquor).
16 August, 2007 - 00:26
Hey, I think I'll try this recipe. Where would I be able to find mirin and a sushi rolling mat? Once I get those, I think this recipe will be pretty simple!
16 August, 2007 - 14:13
You should be able to get mirin and sushi rolling mats at any Japanese grocery store. You can order them online too (even on Amazon Grocery if you're in the US).
16 September, 2007 - 13:49
I just tried making these for the first time, I've been feeling awful and insomniac lately, so I wound up cooking at 5 am: my egg mixture was somehow uneven, and it got squooshed in the sushi mat, so they egg 'disks' came out looking like clown smiles. (I hope you can picture this...) Creepy, but a mood brightener. :P They tasted delicious btw.
20 September, 2007 - 00:24
Hi Maki, I discovered your
Hi Maki, I discovered your blog a few months ago--I love it already! This is becoming my favorite recipe! It's just too good!! By the way, how long does a good tamagoyaki last? I kind of gave up on bento, but I think that this could still be a fine addition to a lunch box. :)
20 September, 2007 - 01:16
Hmm…what’s the
Hmm...what's the difference for you between a bento and a lunch box? (To me they mean sort of the same thing...) But in any case, a tamagoyaki should last fine until lunch if you make it in the morning, or if you make it the night before and refrigerate it it should be fine too - though in that case you may want to make sure it's cooked through just in case.
21 September, 2007 - 00:36
To me, I guess the
To me, I guess the difference between the to is the contents. I'm used to having a sandwich in a paper bag, so I think of a bento as a meal in a box that's appealing to look at, and food that took a bit of work to make. But thanks for the advice, I appreciate it. :)
7 January, 2008 - 04:37
Still works gooood! :D
I didn't have just plain sugar - but I did have brown sugar on my first trial of making this. And the brown sugar works wonderfully! Very tasty and didn't stick to the pan at all! (I don't have a non-stick pan :P) Tastes just like the sushi shop! happyness I will certainly be making more for future summer lunches :D
16 January, 2008 - 06:16
I made this tonight. It was delicious! The directions were straightforward, and I found the dish incredibly easy to make. I ended up substituting sherry for mirin, and everything worked out well.
As for the sushi mat, I just rolled the tamagoyaki in wax paper...I had no issues with it.
Anyways, I will definitely be making this again. Thank you for the great recipe!
16 January, 2008 - 11:20
always great
it's always great to hear when a recipe here works well! :)
22 January, 2008 - 00:01
I'm a fan of the Japanese cartoon Inuyasha and the female lead Kagome is always cooking this recipe! I just bought the Nintendo DS game Cooking Mama and this recipe was in the game! So I googled it and found this site. Thank you, thank you, thank you. This was my first Japanese cooking experience and it came out perfectly!!!
Thanks again -- I can't wait to tell my friends and cook more!
Sailor Moon
22 September, 2009 - 20:47
Re: Fantastic!!
XD That's the VERY same reason I wanted to try making it!I love Cooking Mama! I don't have mirin yet, or a bamboo mat, but I will soon..I'm about to go try this recipe out now, thanks Maki!
28 January, 2008 - 06:17
I've always wanted to learn how to make Tamagoyaki as I'm addicted to it! ^_^ Thank you so much for this awesome recipe :)
7 March, 2008 - 21:08
This is awesome! :D
Im so glad i found this recepie! ^^
I will definitly try this as soon as I can ^^
The only problem is that i dont have all the ingredients :(
Like the Mirin and sushi mat rolling thingy.
Do you have any suggestion about what kind of other stuff i can use instead of those?
Chesca - 15 yrs old.
1 April, 2008 - 15:16
what happens if you don’t
what happens if you don't have the mirin? we don't have rice wine either. any other alternative? or will the omelette be just fine without the mirin?
1 April, 2008 - 15:46
without the mirin it will
without the mirin it will lack a little depth of flavor, but it will still taste good. Just leave it out and you'll be fine.
3 April, 2008 - 16:53
very yummy, thank you!
Thank you for the recipe! I knew this couldn't be too hard, just hadn't done it before.
For those asking about mirin and the roll mat, I'd run out of mirin and don't have a roll mat, so I thought I'd present some alternatives. I did have a little bit of white wine and used that as a mirin replacement with some success. I used a dish towel (not a fuzzy one) instead of a sushi rolling mat -- the dish towel lets the eggs "breathe" like the mat would. I wouldn't use a dish towel for anything sticky like rice, but for this purpose it worked just fine.
14 May, 2008 - 14:05
my tamagoyakis look a lot
my tamagoyakis look a lot better hahahah..
I use a rectengular pan and no bamboo mat... and roll it in the pan... In the beginning its quite difficult, but i have to say after a few times it gets easy, use the large cooking hashi (chopsticks) for rolling...
greetz ;)
15 May, 2008 - 01:39
Thank you so much for what you do! I bought a bento box last year and it remained cold and empty til I found this site and it's sister- Just Bento! My stomach is very grateful!
I'm slowly amassing the staples of a Japanese kitchen and am very happy to report that I live in a rather uncultured suburban town and in the Asian foods section of my local enormo-chain grocery store I found Mirin, Nori, Rice vinegar (seasoned and unseasoned,)"Sushi" rice and a myriad other essentials to many of your recipes. I figured it was worth mentioning since most people are intimidated by how inaccessible some of the ingredients seem. I don't even know where a local Japanese grocery store might be in my neck of the woods but I still had tamagoyaki and onigiri with beef soboro for dinner today! (Both your recipes and both super scrumptious!)
2 June, 2008 - 04:19
thanks !!
wow ! thanks for the tutorial. I have been wanting to make all kind of Japanese bento food and this one looks really easy!!
23 July, 2008 - 22:37
Tamogayaki yatta!!!
finally i found the right recepie for real Tamagoyaki i have been trying to look after japanese cook books at the local bookshop for a while but when i'm living in norway it's not that easy to find, so honto ni arigato gozaimashita desu ^_^
12 August, 2008 - 02:23
The mirin...
Hey, i want to try this recipe out, but i'm curious about the mirin. When you cook the mixture, is the alcohol cooked out? Because I don't drink any kind of alcohol and if i tried this in a sushi restaurant, I'm sure they would add the mirin...
12 August, 2008 - 09:24
Most alcohol is evaporated
Most alcohol is evaporated when heated in cooking, though miniscule amounts may remain.
23 May, 2012 - 10:27
Re: The mirin...
I have a friend who doesn't drink alcohol at all for religious reasons, but she still eats tamagoyaki, likes it and thinks it's great, so I'd say it's okay. :)
James Effs
31 August, 2008 - 15:21
I just returned from Japan a few weeks ago and the food is absolutely amazing, honestly it feels like they sprinkled crack into it the way it tasted so good. Anyway I was looking for a recipe and now I have found it. This blog rocks, i'll see how successful I am :)
P Hutchison
2 September, 2008 - 16:03
My family loves this
I made this for breakfast this morning. My mother, who doesn't eat breakfast, ate this. She liked it. I wanted to thank you for posting this website. I have been trying to learning Japaense cooking for years. My son and I are moving there when I am finished my degree; I wanted to learn how to cook properly before we move.
So thank you for this wonderful reciepe and this incredible website.
3 September, 2008 - 04:34
yum ^_^
they were good, and if you put a little bit more sugar, and let the eggs brown, just a little, they become a little bit crispy XD they were good. too bad i'm not the one that gets to eat em. but i'll keep practicing :D i get to eat the ends that get chopped off when making them even. ^_^ i even named it tanpopo before i ate it. cuz i'm weird like that.. heh. anyway thanks for sharing!!! ^_____^ ooishii
27 September, 2008 - 06:05
Hey thank you vary much for
Hey thank you vary much for this!
Ive always wanted to learn how!
I loved the sweet egg at the restaurants
but it seemed like a waste because there just egg that I could make at home for so much less!
so I never got them!
But now I can have it at home becuase I KNOW how too!
Thank you vary much!
28 October, 2008 - 18:54
When I was living in Japan, this was one of my favorite parts of breakfast (along with rice with nato and nori), so I asked my friend how he made it. In the recipe he gave me, he called for something called dashi - something he translated as "the essence of fish". However, he didn't mention anything about mirin, so maybe they're interchangeable.
Have you tried making it with dashi?
29 October, 2008 - 12:03
Sure - see the last
Sure - see the last paragraph of the article. I personally prefer tamagoyaki without dashi, and it's easier for beginners to tackle, which is why mine has no dashi.
16 November, 2008 - 14:57
Just made this for
Just made this for breakfast! Your pictures helped me soooooo much! Was so easy compared to me trying to figure it out on my own much earlier.
17 November, 2008 - 06:05
Yummy ^^
I have tried it twice and it works nicely... well the first one I kinda confused on the rolling thing... then on the second one my tamagoyaki looks and tastes nice... its easier with flat pan i think (firstly i dont use flat pan which is why it is harder... :( )
Thank Maki, my sister has been eager to have me cook tamagoyaki for her but not sure about the layering thing before but its all clear now ^^
23 November, 2008 - 17:42
thanks for the recipe i
thanks for the recipe i didn't have mirin because i live in the sticks with no good asian food markets so i just substituted it with a little bit of whisky and a tiny bit more sugar still tasted pretty good
22 January, 2009 - 06:36
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
This was delicious! Strangely sweet and savory and vaguely similar to a regular American omelette. One note to people who have only one frying pan, like me - make sure you really scrub out the pan well or else your next round of eggs will taste a whole lot like tamagoyaki! I washed my pan but I guessed I missed a little of the sugar :) Oh well. Thanks Maki!
25 January, 2009 - 19:49
Thanks for this recipie! I finally got up the courage to make sushi, so I decided to try making it with this. It actually came out really good. I can't wait till I can try making other kinds. There is a seafood market not too far from me that may carry fresh, sushi-quality fish. I'll have to check it out at some point. Thanks again!
1 March, 2009 - 00:07
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
I am really trying to improve my cooking skills and try a variety of items. I am going to try this, and only hope that it comes out halfway decent
10 March, 2009 - 02:56
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
Thanks for the recipe, I really hate fried eggs for some reason but tamoyagi is simply delicious. Day old onigiri + tamoyagi will now be my emergency food :P
13 May, 2009 - 10:54
That was simple, easy, well
That was simple, easy, well written, and all in all made my first time tamagoyaki a hit with even the japanese. thank you so much.
3 June, 2009 - 03:09
I've been trying to make Tamagoyaki for years but I never quite got it right until I found your website. Problem is, I never added any alcohol to the egg mix. It really changes the consistancy. (Granted, I still managed to start burning the layers towards the end, but it was much better than before.)
18 August, 2009 - 05:10
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
I've made this several times and it has never failed.
I love this sweet egg recipe.
It goes great with steamed rice and the Hebrew National wieners.
25 August, 2009 - 09:43
Thanks for the recipe. I used to make it with just sugar and eggs but this tastes much better. Goes good with mini hot dogs lol.
Sailor Moon
22 September, 2009 - 22:00
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
Hey Maki! It's me again! I made it...and it turned out AWESOME! It's light yellow...I used regular soy sauce (Kikkoman FTW) and used low heat...and its sooooo good. But for some reason, mines a bit triangle shaped >_< but thank you so much for the recipe!
26 September, 2009 - 21:05
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
Thank you for giving away such fantastic recipes and explaining everything so easily. Your site is one of a kind, and I enjoy it on a daily basis!
La La Land
27 October, 2009 - 18:52
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
I recently made omurice and learned that i am hellava good at making omlets (which is a big suprise for me). I just made this not too long after reading this. It turned out amazeing!! I will definatly be adding this into my bento more often.
adding a little bit of cooked teriyaki chicken into the mix is also very yummy!
28 April, 2010 - 16:45
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
I tried this recipe last night, and it was absolutely delicious! At first, it was rather difficult to make it look perfect, but after 3 practices later, it came out beautiful like the picture!
6 May, 2010 - 16:46
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
Wow! This recipe is great. I have been looking for a recipe for this dish that doesnt really use too many japanese exclusive ingredients (theyre a bit tricky to find where Im from) so Im glad I found this, thank you so much!
7 May, 2010 - 22:14
Firstly, I have to say thank you SOOOO much for putting this up. I have been experimenting for who knows how long on how to make sweet omeletes, but i could not find a recipe.... probably cause I didn't know what to call it maybe? Ah, but finally, an actual recipe!
Now, I have never seen mirin in my life, and I have no idea how it tastes, or how its supposed to taste. Supposedly it's sweet though, and it adds luster to the food being cooked with it. I looked in a few grocery stores, but although I found sake, sushi mats, chopsticks, miso soup mix, and other great stuff at Sobey's, I could not find mirin. Being really disappointed, I experimented with adding some more sugar, and next time doubling the sugar. It tastes absolutely great to me either way. I like my eggs rather sweet, so I usually just double the amount of sugar in the recipe here as a substitute for the mirin, although I'm not sure if that would work well with everyone's tastes, or with those who have tasted it made with mirin before.
Either way, I'm now getting requests for it at school, after I made it once for a sushi-onigiri party we had. ^__^
19 July, 2010 - 15:10
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
Thank you for sharing the technique with us! I made some the other night and they looked amazing sliced and put on top of sushi rice with a thin strip of nori across. I'm so glad I discovered your website (and Just Bento too!)
31 July, 2010 - 18:25
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
yumm i made this for breakfast
with less soy sauce..
15 September, 2010 - 07:53
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
Since I didn't have any mirin, I added a little splash of vanilla extract in its place. It made my tamagoyaki taste like French toast! :)
22 October, 2010 - 03:54
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
Oh I just made a 2 egg tamagoyaki and it was soooo good. Thanks for the instructions. I was going to buy a square pan but I have plenty of skillets and omelet pans so it would have been a waste of money. I used the fork method and mixed the eggs with a little soy sauce and some chives because I didn't have anything else on hand. It was excellent and mine turned out perfect the first time. Your instructions are fantastic- thanks so much.
1 November, 2010 - 17:06
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
What kind of oil do you usually use for making this?
1 November, 2010 - 19:28
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
I usually use canola oil, peanut oil or a light olive oil - whatever flavorless light oil you have on hand will work fine.
18 December, 2010 - 06:41
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
Thank you! I have asked for your book for Christmas - I cannot wait to get it :)
Oahu Love
2 November, 2010 - 07:17
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
Wanted to let you know that I linked to this page from my blog. You've taught me a ton about Japanese cooking, so thank you for that. :)
4 December, 2010 - 19:08
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
I want to make this to put in a lunch box, but will it be okay to still eat after a few hours of making it? I wouldn't get sick or anything, right?
4 December, 2010 - 23:55
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
As long as you're starting out with reasonably fresh eggs, cool the tamagoyaki down completely before packing, and keep your lunch in safe conditions, it should be fine. Hop on over to our sister site JustBento for more tips!
15 January, 2011 - 03:36
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
Will try to make this for my husband! We both love how japanese cook eggs :) i also love looking at your bento pictures. So pretty :) i hope you can post more egg dishes soon! We love the egg on top of some donburi (?) we ate while we were on our honeymoon in japan. It wasn't dry and had a bit of onions too. :)
Would also love to buy your book but unfortunately they don't have it here yet. :( maybe when we have the chance to visit japan or the states again will buy it :)
18 January, 2011 - 03:28
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet...
Wow, I just made this and it tasted so good! It was also really easy, considering I'm only 12 years old and had only a little help from my mom. ^.^ We`re lucky to live in a neighborhood where things like mirin and tamagoyaki pans are easy to get. There must be at least 5 Asian stores within walking distance of our house! Anyway, thank you so much for the recipe. It was so easy to do, and the pictures really helped. Can't wait to put this in my bento! :)
25 January, 2011 - 04:01
quick question
I love your recipes and have been making them quite often lately! I usually always make the 1 egg tomagoyaki, but just checked out this for the first time and am excited to make it. But I'm wondering, why aren't the ingredients proportionate between the two recipes? Doesn't the larger have much more sugar and less soy sauce?
stephanie fillmon
10 February, 2011 - 02:46
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
Hello! Just finished making this recipe and it turned out great! I should have let mine cook just a teeny bit longer, and it was rather difficult rolling sometimes, but I don't think I did too badly for my first attempt! I do have a question though... even the tbs of sugar made it a little too sweet for my taste, so what measurements do you recommend to make it a little more on the salty side? Thanks so much; your websites are doing wonders for my homemade Japanese cooking!
11 February, 2011 - 07:33
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
Just tried making my first tamagoyaki. It didn't turn out so well, lol. I had trouble getting it to flip. My oven is annoying and all lopsided, so all the egg wanted to rest in one area, too. But, it tasted alright in the end, even if it's ugly and more of a lump of egg than a tamagoyaki.
Fail - its my fult
19 March, 2011 - 07:14
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
well, that was fail. After my mum gave me a non stick pan that was way to big(our only non stick)... I get a noraml small pan (looked so cute and small)... it was evil the egg didn't flip properly, it ended up being like scrambled egg, but cooked un evenly. i think the heat was to low and thats why it stuck on the pan. it looks so easy -.- but my cooking skill of 0 seams to remain. any tips on how to get burnt egg off a pan?... i will not give up!
4 April, 2011 - 06:06
Thank you!
My 18-month old LOVES the 'egg sushi' at our local kaiten sushi place. She ate 6 pieces in one sitting, and asked for it again today so I thought I'd look online for a recipe. Thanks so much for the great photos and description!
My first attempt tastes great, but I didn't have the patience to do thin layers, so I ended up with one that's a bit too thick. I look forward to trying this again!
11 May, 2011 - 11:38
Really yummy
i just tried this recipe but only had dark soy sauce so i used a little less. because i dont have a sushi roller so i just folded it and it worked really well. thanks for the awesome recipe. when i get more eggs i will try this again
16 May, 2011 - 09:23
Sauce Pan & Some Water
Thanks Maki! I've already gobbled down half of the tamagoyaki as I type :) My frying pan is too big so I used a non-stick sauce pan, it did make rolling a little harder but I still managed with chopsticks. I also added about 2 tbs of water to the mixture to make it fluffier and I like to brown the outter later a little to give it some colour. It held up ok so I didn't roll it before serving. Very yummy!
Ecchi Kun
27 May, 2011 - 18:40
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
Thanks for the simple instructions....I love Tamagoyaki so much, so i've always wondered how it is that I know i'm giving it a shot to make my own 4 eggs style....thanks again...Nippon no Banzai ^__^
4 June, 2011 - 17:58
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
I tried making it, but... I wasn't measuring, so I used WAY TOO MUCH soy sauce... not very good. But that was my fault
Layma V
26 July, 2011 - 20:11
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
First off, thank you for posting this recipe! I will confess that I first became interested in Japanese cooking through the influence of seeing interesting food in anime. Looking for "little rice balls" and "thick omlete thing" eventually led me here and I've never looked back.
This recipe was the very first one that I tried and it worked wonderfully, though my first attempts were rather messy. By the way: a square, low-sided frying pan, like ones used for single-portion grilled cheese, works wonderfully for this, and they're quite cheap and easy to find! Mine was less than five dollars at a Target (in the states).
21 October, 2011 - 11:35
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
hey guys :3
Just wanted to credit this recipe because it worked so well but it was a little sweet. Tip to u all, the thicker you make each layer the easier it will turn but the more like a pancake it will look like :(
I'm a 16 year old guy so if i can do it so can you!

8 December, 2011 - 10:25
They look really yummy! I must say, the heart shapes are so cute~! I just wanted to let you know how adorable that looks ^-^ Good job! I hope it was yummy!
8 December, 2011 - 10:23
Very delicious! Just tried this recipe and I really love it! Perfectly to my taste ^-^ The instructions and photographs you gave were great! Thank you so much ^-^
Rhea + Graeme
26 December, 2011 - 17:14
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
this is sooooo easy to make!It looks like a thumbs up!graeme is the ultimate tamago tester and can tell if its g00d by l00king at it.we love it cold.THANK YOU JUSTHUNGRY.COM^-^
29 January, 2012 - 15:18
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
For first timers or nervous cooks,adding 1/2 tsp. cornstarch to the eggs and using a plastic spatula/turner makes it a bit easier.The starch keeps the egg layers from tearing so easily.If you don't have a sudare(sushi mat) a double thickness of aluminum foil works well.
Gino T
19 March, 2012 - 12:01
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
Hi! I dunno if this was already asked. I plan to make this with 4 eggs but I want to remove 2 egg yolks, so basically it'll be 4 egg whites and 2 egg yolks. Should I still follow the quantities for 4 eggs? and what advice can you give me if i keep on adding egg whites regarding the quantity of ingredients.
Im asking this since i need a lot of protein in my diet.
6 June, 2012 - 16:44
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
I know this kind of food from the anime and after reading your posts, I think not too difficult to make it.
Thanks for the recipe ^^
18 October, 2012 - 16:22
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
So easy and sooo good!
I used 2 eggs and "sushi seasoning" for the mirin.
2 November, 2012 - 07:36
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
hello! tamago is one of my favs and a must in my bento.. but for a religious reason, i never put mirin in it but i still think my tamago tastes and looks nice.
13 November, 2012 - 18:53
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
Here's a tip you can give people who want a rectangular pan for tamagoyaki: Wal-Mart sells a 5" nonstick square griddle that looks like the perfect size for a 1- or 2-egg tamagoyaki! I'm experimenting with it myself.
19 November, 2012 - 13:06
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
I'm still having trouble getting this right. The mix tastes about right, but rolling isn't going well.
I seem to always end up with mix that's liquid on top but crumbly on the bottom, no matter what temperature setting I use. Any ideas what could be causing this? I'm using Splenda instead of regular sugar--could that be contributing to the problem?
18 December, 2012 - 23:20
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
So yummy and easy! I made this for my hubby's lunch and put ham in like you would the nori :) he loved it! And it looked beautiful <3
2 January, 2013 - 01:54
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
I think your problem is adding too much egg mixture in every layer. If you observe other tutorials, they put only a thin layer enough to cover the pan. By the time the bottom of your egg 'pancake' is done cooking, the top is still liquidy, requiring more cooking time, thus browning the bottom, giving the outer shell a brown, overcooked appearance.
3 January, 2013 - 23:07
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
This is a little off-topic, but what is the proper way to care for a sushi rolling mat? I have them, but I've always wondered if I need to wash them, or just rinse them in water, or something else? Thanks.
18 January, 2013 - 00:19
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
Thanks for the recipe! I made a 2-egg for lunch yesterday, with sushi seasoning instead of mirin, and I rolled nori into the last layer (I was so excited to be making the first few rolls correctly that I forgot to add it to them :D ). It was VERY tasty! I need to buy some more eggs so I can make some for breakfast tomorrow... maybe I'll try with some chives this time, and see maybe I can't find some daikon around here somewhere.
24 January, 2013 - 07:34
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
Yumyumyum! Second time to cook this! Had funfunfun! Even bought a rectangular shaped pan. :3 After multiple attempts, I was able to make one that was immaculately yellow without the toasted brown parts. Wish i could have posted a pic but my sister's eating it while i was typing this. You just have to set the heat real low so that it would slowly cook.
You can actually leave it flat then use cute cookie cutters to cut out shapes for your bento.
20 February, 2013 - 16:02
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
seem delicious, but
i have 1 question. Since this is a side dish, do you know any main food ( easy plz) that goes well with it?
21 March, 2013 - 14:43
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
I just finished it. It was delicious. I ,since I had no mirin, used some light beer. The results were perfect. I highly recomend to try it.
21 April, 2013 - 22:43
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
Just double-checked this recipe for my breakfast. Mmmm, two-egg tamagoyaki for breakfast.
22 April, 2013 - 10:50
I just made dashimaki tamago. It's so easy to make and very delicious! I love it and recommend everyone to try it!
10 May, 2013 - 08:50
Re: Basics: Tamagoyaki or Atsuyaki Tamago, Japanese sweet ...
Very detailed and you make it seem easy to make this. Ughhh, I can't wait to try making it when I am home.
Rei Mi
9 August, 2013 - 18:13
How can I cheat on this???
OK since I'm in China, there are many many things that I either can't get or I can't read so I was wondering what to do about some of this...
1. Small skillet- yeah sounds silly but we don't have anything like that here as most cooking in China is done by wok. I do have a large nonstick skillet- so if I cook the whole batch at once and then fold it as it will that work?
2. Mirin- I've never actually seen mirin here but there are some Japanese goods, only thing is that they are actually from Japan and I can't read Japanese. I do have Japanese plum wine, but from some of the comments it sounds like mirin could be replaced with something like maple syrup??? (I have managed to find that since it's in English)
3. What exactly is dashi? I know you mentioned it in a few recipes but I don't know exactly what it is. Like I said we do have some Japanese goods here but they are written in Japanese- and the clerks at the store are Chinese so they only know the Chinese names for these I couldn't ask them anyway.
10 August, 2013 - 23:28
Tamagoyaki Pan Dimensions?
What would you say would be a good size for a basic tamagoyaki pan? I've been looking for one online, but I'm not sure which one to get because of all the different dimensions.
20 November, 2013 - 19:45
Convention Bento?
My husband and I will be going to Otakon 2014 next summer and we're planning on making bento for our meals since they'll be a lot cheaper and healthier than the food they sell at the convention or *shudder* styrofoam cup ramen everyday.
Would it be possible for me to make several tamagoyaki rolls at home and keep them in the refrigerator to slice up for bentos every morning since we won't have stoves in our hotel room? I noticed that you mentioned in one of the responses that it might be okay if made the night before, but what about enough to last 3 days?
Also, a list of any foods you'd suggest that we can make at home ahead of time that keep well would really really help! =) I love your site, and I will be referring to it a lot more as I get closer and closer to the convention.