The Just Bento Cookbook 2 is announced!

Well, hi there! We haven't spoken in a while. ^_^; Well I have been around, still struggling with my health issues, but I do have some good news. The sequel to The Just Bento Cookbook is now available for pre-order on the Amazons! The full title is The Just Bento Cookbook 2: Make-Ahead, Easy, Healthy Lunches To Go.
I will have more details on the book in the upcoming weeks, but for it is! The scheduled release date is January 2, 2018 (subject to change).
Here are the links to the various Amazons where you can preorder the book if you so desire:
I will put up more links as the book becomes more available. And, I am working to revive the JustBento site before the book is born too. Yes I am.
(Disclaimer: The above links are affiliate links, which bring a small commission to me to help pay the bills. ^_^;)
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11 August, 2017 - 21:19
Couldn't pre-order fast
Couldn't pre-order fast enough, your first book is fantastic and I reckon the 2nd one will be even better.
Nanook Buchdrachen
30 August, 2017 - 00:09
I am so happy to learn that !
Brianna Alvarez
21 October, 2017 - 22:29
Can’t wait!
Maki, your recipes have been inspiring me for many years now. I’ve learned so much about Japanese cooking and culture through you! I actually just got back from my honeymoon with my husband—we took a month to travel around Japan. Thank you for being my cooking hero. I can’t wait for the second book.
26 October, 2017 - 00:15
I can't believe it! I'm so happy to see that you're still around - and thriving. I used to read this site when I was twelve... Now I'm turning twenty. Just hit me right in the nostalgia, can't wait to buy it Maki!!
26 October, 2017 - 00:49
So nice that you are releasing a new book, it looks really good :).
26 October, 2017 - 15:53
This is fantastic news! Can't wait for the new book =)))))