I have not posted here in a long, long while, but I am still here! Health-wise I am not 100%, but am doing okay. And I have some very exciting news to share with you very soon - stay tuned!
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site news
Hi there. I'm still alive! And here's a big update on what's going on.
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site news on other sites patreon
This update is mainly for people who subscribe to updates by email, but it's also a general notice for everyone.
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site news
Believe it or not, a sequel to The Just Bento Cookbook will be here soon.
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site news just bento
There's a rather extensive interview of me on Culinary Exchange. It has quite a lot of photos that are pretty nostalgic for me from the archives of JustHungry and JustBento, chosen by the interviewer, Matthew. I hope you enjoy it reading it. ^_^
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site news on other sites
And it's about time too! The site has been totally redone from the bones up. It should finally look and work like a mid-2015 site rather than a mid-2005 one!
Here are some highlights:
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site news

Ten years ago, I decided to start a food blog.
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site news personal
This just a short update on what is going on with my health and things.
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site news personal
A little technical note for people who read this site via Google Reader or another RSS reader, or subscribe to post updates via email:
I've switched over from Feedburner to another service called URI.LV. The reason I switched over is that Feedburner has kind of been neglected by Google (who owns the service) for a while now, and with their announcement that Google Reader is being shut down soon, it's kind of logical to assume that Feedburner will fade away too.
- If you are an email subscriber: You shouldn't see much of a change at all, but there is a chance you may need to re-add the sender of the mail (thechef@justhungry.com) to your address book if the emails end up in your spam folder.
- If you are an RSS reader subscriber: You should not see any change at all. If you want to be doubly sure you'll continue to receive updates, subscribe to this link or click on the RSS button in the side bar and delete your Feedburner subscription.
(Incidentally, if you're looking for a replacement for Google Reader and are Mac or iOS based, I've been using NetNewsWire for ever, even before there was a Google Reader. I highly recommend it. Otherwise if you're looking for a web based solution Feedly looks pretty nice.)
This notice applies to both JustBento and JustHungry - it's posted on both since not everyone subscribes to both. (AND WHY NOT??? (just kidding))
So that's it for the techincal stuff. Going back to talking about food next time. ^_^
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site news
A few days ago we moved JustBento over to a new server. So now we'll be moving JustHungry over too. Fingers crossed it should go fairly smoothly, but you may see some short disruptions in service over the weekend. I'll keep you updated on Twitter and the Facebook page if we hit a glitch though. Thank you for your patience!
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site news