New site design

And it's about time too! The site has been totally redone from the bones up. It should finally look and work like a mid-2015 site rather than a mid-2005 one!
Here are some highlights:
- It is now mobile-friendly, with a couple of exceptions. (Ironically the search results page, which is output by Google, is not mobile- ready! Shame on you Google.)
- The text should be more legible. Hey, my eyes are getting old too. ^_^
- It should be a bit faster than the old site.
Some links, pages and functions may not be working as they were yet, but it should be more easy to use than the old site.
(Note: One thing that is not working is the ability to log in, if you had an account here. So you can only comment as "anonymous" at the moment, and your comments are held in a moderation queue for approval. I am working on that though.)
Next up: giving Just Bento an overhaul too!
Submitted by maki on 2015-05-26 18:07.
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30 May, 2015 - 18:14
I love it! Especially the
I love it! Especially the random recipe display in the header. I've always wished this site had a mechanism for showing off older posts without having to look through the archives.
June Hawkins
31 May, 2015 - 01:21
Maki, I'm so happy you're
Maki, I'm so happy you're feeling up to blogging again. I always check your posts and Facebook postings because I enjoy them so very much. All my best wishes to you .
2 June, 2015 - 13:34
Great Job!
Great Job! Your "new" blog is great, clean and pretty. 1+
2 June, 2015 - 14:19
Great job! I definitely do
Great job! I definitely do like the new design. I am really into Japanese food, so I adore your fantastic recipes. Looking forward to your next posts!
Best regards,
9 June, 2015 - 12:16
Hi Maki, Always pleased to discover RSS indicating a new post here. Then to see the site makeover - congratulations. However even more pleased to read the words 'in remission' on your intro page. Yay !!! Do hope this means you have been up to making some progress on the kitchen makeover too, looking forward to hearing about that some time.
9 June, 2015 - 18:43
Such a joy to see you again!
I missed you!
10 June, 2015 - 14:02
I always have to come back to your websites, because some of my favorite recipes are here, even with your book.
Wallace Miguel
16 February, 2016 - 13:25
Congratulations your new site
Congratulations your new site looks great. great recipes