I'm back home from Provence, both in the physical sense and the interweb sense. I actually lost Net access for the past two weeks (we thought we had something more convenient but it turned out we needed to drive 30 minutes one way to get to a WiFi spot, and well...other things sort of took priority). What I need to get into my head is that in this day and age, being offline for so long is not a good thing. It's sort of like being MIA, for a lot of people that know me. Yes, I confess I didn't even check my email for two weeks. So...if this affected you in relation to your food related questions and so on, I apologize. Next time I go away I'll make sure I can at least get online once a day.
I'll have a lot, lot more to say about my trip later on, but in the meantime, here is a little mystery. Can you identify these? (Click on the image to get a bigger view. RSS readers will have to go to the site to do this.) I'd never seen them in this state before.

While the food in Provence is glorious - the freshest vegetables and fruit ever, tons of fresh garlic, and delicious cheeses, fragrant herbs - I really, really missed Japanese food. I did bring a (very small) bottle of soy sauce with me, but no rice or any other ingredients. (Curiously I found nori and soy sauce at the local hypermarché, but no Japonica rice, or most other needed ingredients. So I'm not sure what rice the people of Provence make sushi with.)
Last summer, I had to make an emergency stop at a small Japanese-Korean restaurant in Aix-en-Provence to take care of the withdrawal symptoms, but this year I toughed it out for three whole weeks. But anyway, the first thing I did when we got home last night? Make a potful of rice and have a bowlful with an umeboshi. I think the older I get, the more Japanese I'm getting. If my long term plans to Get A Place In Provence work out, I'm definitely going to have to sort out the Japanese food supply situation.
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food travel site news
We've had a bit of a Plumbing Disaster in the kitchen, which has necessiated the removal of everything from shelves and such up onto higher ground (not to mention the disposal of many ruined food items). This has meant cooking activities have had to take a short pause. Hopefully the kitchen, my sanity, and cooking (and posting thereof on this blog) should be back shortly.
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site news
Things may be just a bit slower on Just Hungry for the next couple of months, since I'll be on the road a lot. I do have several articles piled up on the back burner though, so you shouldn't miss much (hopefully) in the way of new stuff to read. What may be slower is my comment and new user registration approval rate, as well as replying to comments, but I'll try to get to them when I can.
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site news
A number of people have created accounts here to avoid the necessary evil to reduce spammers that is the CAPTCHA thingy. But you may have noticed that there was no way to actually log in. Oops. Now there is - on every page you should now see a login / register link. I'm still trying to figure out what additional benefits I can bring to registered and logged in users...but for now, if you are logged in, you'll no longer have to solve the math question.
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site news
If you visit this site using a browser (this won't work if you're using a newsreader), and click on an image, in most cases you'll be able to see a larger version of the image in popup "window" (it won't open a separate browser window, but pop up right in your current window.) For all recipe step-by-steps for example, you can click on the small image thumbnail to bring up a better view. Note, this only works for the more recent articles posted since early February , but I'll be using this feature in all future posts.
Filed under:
site news geekery
More site housekeeping: I get quite a lot of emails that request certain recipes or ask questions of a general nature. Rather than reply in an email, which helps one person, I usually prefer to reply in the form of an entry here. So (though I may live to regret this!) I've made my list of upcoming planned recipes and other articles public. You can take a look there to see what I am working on or planning to write up. (There's a permanent link to the page from the contact form as well as in the footer about area of every page.
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site news
Submitted by maki on 7 February, 2007 - 14:30
Handbooks are mini-guides to specific topics, with several pages. They are used as a more or less permanent repository of information.
See the list of available handbooks below.
handbook Filed under:
site news
Just Hungry has had yet another site makeover. This is the fourth incarnation of the site in 3 years, and I think by far the biggest one. Besides a cosmetic facelift, it's been converted to a new backend engine, Drupal. Although Drupal is tad more complicated (for me, not you I hope!) than the blogging platform the site was running on previously, Movable Type (or the version before that which was on Movable Type's sister Typepad), I think it's going to make the site even better. Here are some of the changes that are in place right now.
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site news
Submitted by maki on 4 February, 2007 - 12:41
Advertising and requests for reviews
(Updated August 2019)
Established in 2003, Just Hungry is one of the foremost Japanese food blogs, with numerous mentions in the mainstream media. Readers are interested in Japanese food and cooking, Japanese culture, healthy eating, food related travel, and healthy, tasty food in general.
Submitted by maki on 2 February, 2007 - 01:28
Various subscription options for Just Hungry.