January 2006


First off, I must apologize for this picture and the placement of the chutney on the plate. I didn't realize until all the food was consumed, thus making it too late for a re-shoot, that it looks like Mickey Mouse had a very unfortunate accident and got his brains shot out.

Filed under:  masterchef rice lamb


The ingredients for Day 3 of the MasterChef preliminaries were:

Filed under:  masterchef snack fish


I haven't participated in Is My Blog Burning, the original food blogging event initiated by Alberto, for quite a while. However, I couldn't pass up on this month's theme, hosted by Cooking With Amy: noodles. I love noodles in all shapes and from all corners of the world.

Filed under:  japanese tofu noodles

If you don't normally read my personal site, and you're interested in an account of when I worked at a New York restaurant, you may want to take a look at my most recent entry over there:

Link: Working as a host in a New York restaurant.

Filed under:  restaurants

I'd like to interrupt my usual flow of posts about mostly edible food, to bring you a small culinary disaster.


Filed under:  offbeat disasters
Keep reading Oops →


The ingredients for the first day of the MasterChef preliminaries were:

Filed under:  cheese masterchef potatoes chicken
