(This item is only of interest if you live in Switzerland, specifically in the Zürich area. Everyone else, just move along.)
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swiss shopping zurich british
A couple of years ago, I wrote about our visit to a most unusual Zürich restaurant, the blindekuh, where sighted people can experience what it's like to dine in total darkness. Yesterday it was announced that the founder of the chain Stefan Zappa, was honored as the Swiss Social Entrepreneur of the Year.
According to the story, "The "Blind-Liecht" charitable foundation was set up in December 1998 by Zappa, a partially sighted psychologist, with help from three other blind people."
It's still the most unusual restaurant experience I've ever had. If you have a chance to visit Zürich, I'd highly recommend a visit there if you want a dinner you'll never forget. There is a blindekuh restaurant (it seems it's officially spelled in lowercase) in Basel also.
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restaurants swiss zurich
Johanna of the passionate cook has been running a series called Culinary Snapshots, of cities around the world. The Culinary Snapshot of Zürich that I wrote is now up there. (The pictures there were taken in late March by the way, when it was warm enough for t-shirts!) Re-reading it now I think I may need some armor against proprietors of Asian-Fusion restaurants in town. :)
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food travel restaurants swiss zurich
I have always meant to post about this but haven't gotten around to it. This is not an in-depth report with pictures and everything, but just a quick post, since Julie asked :) If you don't live in the Zürich area go ahead and skip to other posts...
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japanese swiss shopping zurich
The theme of the fourth round of Food Destinations, hosted by Paula of Mango and Lime, is My Favorite Gourmet Gift Shopping Spot.
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food destinations food events swiss shopping zurich

[Update:] Now you can buy Sprüngli chocolates online to be shipped worldwide! See the Shop page for details.
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chocolate food destinations food events swiss shopping zurich

Olive oil is so ubiquitous nowadays that you may not even think twice about it. But the world of olive oil goes so much deeper than you might imagine. It's not just about buying a bottle labeled Extra Virgin and trusting it's all good.
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ingredients shopping olive oil zurich italian

This is my entry for Food Destinations #2: My Local Market.
There are several fresh food markets in Zürich. I was actually going to talk about another one, but someone else had covered it already (as you'll see in the roundup!), so I decided to head to the market at Helvetiaplatz.
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food destinations food events swiss shopping zurich markets