De-lurk and tell me about you, and what you want!

I had meant to do something like this earlier but - well I forgot :). But a post on Roger Johansson's web development blog 456 Berea Street (one of the best out there, I might add, for any budding or not-so-budding web developers) which was in turn inspired by web designer Veerle Pieters (her blog is one of the prettiest on the interweb!) prompted me to do this once and for all. It's rather timely I think, since the site stats show a lot of new visitors hereabouts these past few weeks.

So...tell me please, especially if you've never commented before...

  • Who are you? (full name not required)
  • Where are you from?
  • How long have you been reading Just Hungry?
  • Have you left a comment (or emailed me) before?
  • What would you like to see more of on Just Hungry? (or, less of)
  • Bonus: How did you find the site? (if you remember)

Your answers may help to make this an even tastier site!

Filed under:  site news

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Hi Maki! I'm from Columbia Kentucky. Never commented on your site before, but I've been reading it for about two years. I was in London on a study abroad program and was quite tired of buying microwave dinners when I decided to try cooking (had hardly ever tried it at all). Being a fan of Japanese food, I wanted to make miso soup. A quick google search and I was bitten by the cooking bug. I love the way your blog is set up and the only thing I would say to add is more recipes! That and maybe some kind of troubleshooting thing? I tried making your castella recipe and I have NO clue what I've done wrong. Maybe just a post like (if what your cooking looks like this...this is how to fix it). Take care!!!!!

I am srah and I live in SW Ohio. I'm not sure how long I've been reading JH... I've had it in my RSS feeds for several months at least. I'm not sure how I found it, but my guess would be... link from another cooking/food blog, or a search in Bloglines for cooking blogs. I think I've left one or two comments. I'm content with the content (hee).

I am from Farmington Hills, Michigan (a suburb of Detroit). I have left one comment/question (it was about using wakame instead of dashi for Miso soup). I found your site when I was searching for recipes for Japanese cooking, about 8 months ago; I think I was using goggle to find various recipes for dashi and miso. So far there is really nothing that I would like to see less of. The only thing that I can think of as far as hearing more about, would be more posts on Japanese cooking. Thanks for a wonderful blog!


Who are you?

Where are you from?
-Philadelphia, PA

How long have you been reading Just Hungry?
-Pretty much right after you started the blog, in 2003.

Have you left a comment (or emailed me) before?
-oh yes! ;)

What would you like to see more of on Just Hungry? (or, less of)
-I have to agree with the other commenters so far-- washoku! I like recipes in general, though, and I am curious to hear how your diet goes. I'm not as interested in the open-air markets, but that's probably because I've never experienced them in Europe and don't know what I'm missing.

Bonus: How did you find the site? (if you remember)
-You were a featured blog on TypePad, and the blurb about it intrigued me-- and I've been a longtime reader ever since.

Hi Maki,

My name is Djinn (not really - just online) and I'm in the UK, sometimes Suffolk, but mostly Leicester. I found your blog via another food blog (but I really can't remember which - sorry) and have been reading Just Hungry regularly since the Summer. Most of the time I 'lurk', but I think I did leave a comment once on a post about a miso soup recipe (which, I remember, was particularly tasty). I like the site just as it is at the moment, to be honest. I'm on a fairly restricted diet for health reasons and I enjoy reading about stuff I'm no longer allowed to have - helps ease the pain. ;) What I particularly like is your writing style; clear and engaging. Wish I could write as well. Keep up the good work! Thanks.

I'm from Germany and I really cannot remember for the life of me how I found your site - I guess from a link from some other food-devoted site. Two of your recipes (fried rice w/ chives and spaghetti w/ anchovies and lemon) are on our table at least once a month (our toddler loves the チャーハン)and I find your recipes in general very inspiring and excellently explained - I also enjoy your non-recipe related writing a lot. One of the reasons your site is my favorite recipe source is my love of Japanese food and the fact that the ingredients you can get in Swiss I can mostly easily get in Germany as well (which often isn't the case with US or French sites).

Hi, I'm KAM from Atlanta and I've been reading your blog for about 3 mos. I found it perusing other blogs and liked yours the best. I love cooking and reading about other's recipes and food experiences. Your blog is well written and has wonderful pictures and great recipes. I also enjoy reading about restuarants and food/cooking stores around the world. Your comments on Top Chef are a lot of fun to read as I'm a huge fan. Thanks again for a terrific read.


Hi Maki, I'll go by zee here, but you know me as I emailed you yesterday about the typos. By the way, the link to Veerle Pieters links to the Johansson site instead of veerle dot duoh dot com ...

As far as I recall, I found your site via a search for refrigerators about two months ago. I live in Switzerland at the moment; before that I was in the US.

I enjoy your write-ups on markets (I'm off to Schwarzenbach sometime this week) and so on. I haven't tried any of your recipes yet, but I intend to.

Hello Maki! I'm Hayley from Perth, on the West coast of Australia. I've been lurking for probably 8 or so months now. I don't think I've commented before, but maybe once? I stumbled across you with a search for something regarding Japanese cooking. I guess if there's anything I'd like a little more of, it's that - however, I may have come for the nihon ryori but I stayed for everything else.

Hi Maki,

I'm John from Salt Lake City, Utah. I have been visiting your site for probably 6 months. I can't remeber if I have commented before, but I do have a link to your site from our little food blog...does that count? I love your witty writing and the rich beautiful photographs. Keep up the great work, I love it just the way it is!


I'm Thai/American (raised in America) and currently live in Zurich Switzerland. I found your site about 6 months or so ago when I googled for "Barlauch" and again when I searched for "Graziella" (I LOVE that soup) and have been reading it ever since. I've never posted a comment before. I really like you articles where you talk about some weird food item I've never heard of and how to prepare it (like barlauch). I like the food destinations a lot too. I read them to figure out where I want to go next. :) I'm least interested in reading about your diet. Of course, I still wish you luck with it!

Hi, I'm from London, I'm not entirely sure how long I've been reading, since the summer possibly. I think I found your site through StumbleUpon, then kept reading because I liked the mix of different cooking styles you write about. Then one of my best friends moved to Zurich, so it's nice to read about the city she lives in.
I've never commented before, purely because I couldn't think of anything more intelligent to say than 'great blog!' or similar (which it is, so thank you).


I am Tracy, also Japanese American, 4th generation. I have your site in RSS feed. I love the recipes. I live in Clovis, California. I have 2 teenagers, a son 19 and a daughter 15. I'm trying to tell my daughter not to wait till she's grown to learn these things. We had a large crowd for New Years day, fixed great food. Kids invited their friends who were amazed at everything that "wasn't raw". I found you through Google I think. It's been so long ago.

I enjoy seeing traditional Japanese recipes. I'd love to see a section devoted to Japanese American style recipes and how they differ from actual Japanese food. Having never been to Japan, this is all I know...but I love it! Thanks!

Hi Maki. I posted a comment on your diet entry and one on this entry but neither appeared. Am I doing something wrong?

I was born in Vietnam, lived in Los Angeles for over 20 years and am now living in Austin, TX. I found your site while doing a search for how to make tofu. I have been reading Just Hungry for about two months now. I think the step by step pictures are great.

Hi, I'm Sylvia, I am German-American (Mannheim/Los Angeles) and I live in Spain.

I've been reading Just Hungry for 2 years now I think? I liked it from the start, attracted by the recognition of cross-cultural issues that I deal with all the time, as well as good recipes and good writing (and good web design!)

I was surprised to find I even liked your reviews of television shows I've never heard of. :)

I like the way you approach food importance and how it varies by culture, and I'd love to see more of it. Not just recipes -- market places, restaurants, what's exciting people now (wild garlic! truffles! ) ... those are my favourite posts.

I've commented before but not very often.

And hopefully you won't mind, but ....

One change to the site that I don't like: the comments don't show on the posts (you have to click through) and the latest discussions are no longer on the sidebar. I do think those were nice additions in terms of community and miss them.

I've returned to this site on and off since perhaps 2004--I think I found you searching for natto.
I enjoy reading the Japanese cooking entries very much!

Wow, thank you everyone for all the comments - keep em coming :) ! I'll try to incorporate your suggestions in the site (yes, I hear you, more recipes!)
(I have fixed the link to Veerle Pieters' site btw...)

I am from Portland, Oregon. I've been reading IJH since Top Chef Season 1, when I needed some commiseratory hate on Stephen. I emailed you about 2 minutes before starting this post. I like the snarky criticisms the best, more please.

My favorite guilty pleasure is Hot Taste! Korean ramen (I don't know the real name, I just call it "hot taste bowl noodle"), or in a pinch I'll make 10c Top Ramen and just dump some cayenne and sesame oil on it. It prevents a hangover if consumed after drinking heavily but before passing out.

Who are you? Amy
Where are you from? Originally Taiwan, now in California.
How long have you been reading Just Hungry? A few months, I think.
Have you left a comment (or emailed me) before? Don't remember!
What would you like to see more of on Just Hungry? (or, less of) More recipes, if there is such a thing. I'm just learning to cook and your dessert recipes are awesome. I may move into dinner recipes soon..

I'm Matt from the Twin Cities, Minnesota (USA).
I've been reading, "I was just really very hungry" for a while - though not religiously.
I've never left a comment before.
My favorite posts are the reviews of Top Chef.
I don't believe that's how I found the site in the first place. I think I was searching for a recipe by googling my available ingredients.

Hi Maki! I'm from Wisconsin, and I think I've been reading Just Hungry for about 1 1/2 years. I love your writing! I have tried several of your recipes and they've all turned out great! I think I found you googling for Japanese women don't get fat (the book). Keep up the great work!

Thank you once again for all your de-lurking comments! I sort of knew from the site stats that there are visitors from all over the world, but seeing it confirmed again in the comments makes it really real!

Hi Maki,

I'm Agata, I live in Sydney Australia.

I first stumbled across Just Hungry in 2004 and have come back every now and then to see what is new.
I have not commented or emailed before, but will probably be more likely to in the future.
I really like your blog, and it inspired the creation and feel of mine (a joint personal and cooking blog). I really love what you're already doing, the recipes and the way you explain them. So I guess I'd like to see more of the same!

Hi there, I am Emily, from London, UK, currently living in Wellington, New Zealand. I've been reading this site for only a couple of months, having found it when I was looking up reviews (on Google) for Top Chef when I missed an episode (!!) I've never left a comment before, but have especially enjoyed coming back for all that you have on your site and I really like the mailing list with all the other links too!
Have a great day! Emily.

Hey...I'm Sinead. I live in Köln at the moment, but spent the last decade in Montreal, which is a great place to develop a food obsession. I've never commented on your site before, and I've been reading it for a year or so, when I was just randomly surfing through food blogs. I like that you actually focus on using ingredients that can be found locally around here, and also the basic stuff on Japanese food, since Japanese food is one big unexplored kitchen of fun for me right now. Thanks for the great food blog.

Who are you?: Katie
Where are you from?: Also from Southwestern Ohio
How long have you been reading Just Hungry?: Around six months
Have you left a comment (or emailed me) before?: Just once, when the entry on Concord grapes was too delicious.
What would you like to see more of on Just Hungry? (or, less of): I would like to see more information on Japanese cooking, but other cooking techniques as well. I also enjoy your essays, Maki.
Bonus: How did you find the site?: I Googled a book and pulled up one of the reviews you had written review. I was then hooked.

I'm Jenny, from Irvine CA, I've been reading you blog for about a year, i think. I found you when i was looking for Top Chef stories, I've never left a comment but I have to say and I LOVE your blog. Not only is it interesting and but it is so well written it's a pleasure to read!

Hi there Maki! My name is Rei. I hail from Tucson, Arizona. I've been reading your blog for close to a year now. I have left one or two comments here and there, probably as Rei or Rei-chan. I've really liked reading your recipes and especially many of your Japanese recipes as they remind me a lot of my grandma's cooking. I think I was originally looking for recipes for my o-bento when I stumbled across your blog and now I am a regular! Keep up the amazing work!

I am Joe. I'm from Phoenix, AZ. I've been reading this only a couple of weeks. I haven't commented or email before. I would like more of Japanese home cooking, like so many, you say. I found your blog while searching for Japanese recipes. I'm pretty sure it was rice balls.

I'm trying to figure out things to make for one busy human, not too dificult or complicated and not too big a batch.

I've been reading your blog for quite some time. I really like Japanese food and very interested especially in Japanese cooking. Honestly I like your previous layout better as I feel this one is a bit messy .. well, that's just my personal opinion. But really love the content :) please write more about Japanese cooking and Japanese food.. I especially love the post about home made mayo.. Yumm

Hi Maki-san. I'm Anton, I live in Moscow, Russia. I've been reading JustHung for about half a year now. I left a comment before, and I even had some questions for you but was too shy to email you — you seem to be a busy person. I'd really love to see more of how you cook Japanese food — esp. when it comes to certain basic operations. For example, does Japanese deep-frying differ from, say, French deep-frying? And cutting things Japanese-style. I'd love to see more of that.

I found you via Google, I guess. I run a Russian-language culinary blog (we link to you) along with another person; my partner in crime lives in Prague, Czech but she's also Russian.

Who are you?


Where are you from?


How long have you been reading Just Hungry?

Umm...maybe about two years?

Have you left a comment (or emailed me) before?


What would you like to see more of on Just Hungry? (or, less of)

Just more Just Hungry, please. I love your photos, recipes, writing, and your perspective on cooking, expat life, and food. Great book reviews, too.

Bonus: How did you find the site? (if you remember)

I was searching for advice on making Japanese rice and accidentally stumbled across your site. I had never read a blog before, but I was hooked. Many of your posts remind me of my own expat experience (in Tokyo). Thank you!

I'm from Singapore. I've been reading your blog for quite some time. I really like Japanese food and very interested especially in Japanese cooking. Honestly I like your previous layout better as I feel this one is a bit messy .. well, that's just my personal opinion. But really love the content :) please write more about Japanese cooking and Japanese food.. I especially love the post about home made mayo.. Yumm

Hey Maki. Well, I live in Cedar Rapids, Iowa (US), and I came across your blog a few months ago by pure chance. If I can remember the day, I was just browsing pictures on Flickr, and one of them happened to catch my eyes, and from your profile there, I found this blog by you! So, there! led me here (lol...of course the blog is undoubtedly great too ;-)

Quite honestly, I have to say though, I'm no expert in cooking. Yet nonetheless, I keep coming here because I like that you not only discuss great cooking and recipes, you also talk about the food itself, such as individual food items (like the truffles), where you can shop for quality food (the different markets around Europe and elsewhere you have traveled), and what I've seen recently with your health/exercise posts. Plus I'm vegetarian, and noticed you said you were too (about 75% is it ?) hahah.

Well, I think the blog is v. nice, and plan to keep reading more.

Name: Chris Hansen

Loc.: Sandy, Utah, United States of America

Since: At least a year, I think.

Commented?: I think so, at least once.

More of: Your commentary about your dining experiences - since I probably won't get to these places it is nice to read your take on the dining experience.s

How?: I'm sure it was a link in from somewhere else's site, but I don't know whose.

* Who are you?
* Where are you from?
Athens, Georgia
* How long have you been reading Just Hungry?
6 months
* Have you left a comment (or emailed me) before?
I emailed you about kuromame
* What would you like to see more of on Just Hungry? (or, less of)
More recipies!
* Bonus: How did you find the site? (if you remember)
I was searching for gyouza recipe's on google.

I'm from Bellingham, Washington, where I'm currently going to school. I've been reading your blog for a few months now. I think I found it while doing a google search for Japanese food. I've never commented before (I'm a notorious lurker), but I do always enjoy the site. I love the recipes you post for Japanese food the most. There's nothing I'd like to see less of, though -- I like your content.

* Who are you? Lizz
* Where are you from? NH, USA
* How long have you been reading Just Hungry? I actually just found you today
* Have you left a comment (or emailed me) before? Nope
* What would you like to see more of on Just Hungry? I'm not sure. Haven't been here too long. But maybe some Ongiri fillings with american ingredients
* Bonus: How did you find the site? Searching Yahoo for Onigiri

I'm yenyen from Malaysia.
I've been reading Just Hungry for around two weeks. I haven't leave any comment (or emailed you)before. I would like to see anything that is delicious (cheesey one and Japanese cooking would be great) on Just Hungry.
Heya Maki-san, I enjoy your blog very much and I hope that you would prepare much much more yummy food~~ good luck!

I live in the borough of Queens in New York -- Woodside to be more specific -- though I'd say I am from the Midwest and Japan.

I first came across Just Hungry in February 2004, but have never left a comment. I don't remember how I found your site. The culinary cultural heritage entry (Feb. 29, 2004) particularly caught my attention, as I very much related to the sentiments expressed. I make your Rhubarb Crumble Pie (May 2004) every spring, buying the first crop that appears at the Union Square Farmers' Market.

I enjoy the wide range of topics covered on Just Hungry. I suppose I'd like to see more entries on the local food culture.

Thanks for such an insightful blog.


hi maki,

i'm from kuala lumpur, malaysia. i've never commented on your blog, just lurked and enjoyed the stuff you posted. i often share your posts with other friends. i think i've been visiting here for a year now, but don't remember how i found it.

i like Just Hungry just the way it is!

I'm Marceline from Glasgow, Scotland. I've been reading for a looong time - this has always been my favourite food blog. I don't think I've ever emailed though I've often meant to. No idea where I first came across your site - I think it was one of the sites that seemed to be a couple of links away from all the other websites I read and in the same circles as my own (even though mine is mostly music-based).

I love most of the content especially the Japanese recipes and memories, your travel/holiday food ideas and the general themes of eating seasonally and locally. Your diet posts are very useful just as eating healthily guides regardless of whether you need to lose weight.

One thing I would like personally is some posts on bento, both traditional and modern/western. My resolution this year is to make more bento type lunches for work so I'm looking for new ideas.

thanks for all the good writing!

Who are you? (full name not required) A filipino
Where are you from? my parents were filipino, but i was born in america
How long have you been reading Just Hungry? few weeks now
Have you left a comment (or emailed me) before? yep
What would you like to see more of on Just Hungry? (or, less of) more bento-i reli need ideas for my school lunches
Bonus: How did you find the site? (if you remember) by searching how to make pao and then by searching onigiri...u were the best source i found on that!after that, i got hooked on this website!

more bento please

I have been reading your blog for several years now- I think I started when I was living in Japan, and was doing a lot of Japanese style cooking. I really like your recipes. I think I've tried your onigiri, a special seasoning liquid (which sadly didn't all get used up somehow), and your miso soup. Maybe more, but those are all I can think of at the moment. :) I probably found your blog by searching for either an onigiri or miso recipe, but it's been a very long time. I am most interested in your posts about seafood based or vegetarian dishes. I like your photographs and careful descriptions. Urm... oh, and I don't think I've posted before, but I'm not entirely sure... Actually I just referenced your site on my food blog- I found some great Japanese onigiri CMs that I think you might enjoy, if you happen to be in the area. ;) Glad you're in the Blogosphere! ;)


Sea you have a beautiful blog! And thank you for the onigiri video links! You've also reminded me to mark recipes gluten-free when they are...I keep forgetting, since we aren't don't have gluten tolerency issues in our house (and I live with a Swiss bread addict).

* Who are you? An American guy.
* Where are you from? All over the place, I grew up in a way similar to you.
* How long have you been reading Just Hungry? Maybe two months.
* Have you left a comment (or emailed me) before? No, it's so well explained there's nothing I thought to ask.
* What would you like to see more of on Just Hungry? Hmm... the content is perfect, really. The only thing I'd want is an authentic ramen recipe (got hooked on good ramen at Aijisen when I was in Qingdao!)
* Bonus: How did you find the site? Either Google or Stumbleupon, and I haven't left since.

I'm in north Central Tx, USA.
I discovered your blog by following a link from a Bento blog on how to properly cook rice. I must say that so far I have enjoyed everything I've seen and have subscribed to the updates. In addition to the recipes, I especially loved the articles on Provence. I've been in long distance love with the region since reading Peter Mayle's books. Keep up the excellent writing!

I am fascinated with Fukushima and specifically Aizu-han during the 19th century so I would love to get a traditional recipe from that area (^_^)...the website is under reconstruction...I wonder if there is something which can be made which involves persimmons (fuyu?) I am from southern California and I was raised on Japanese persimmons so I was happy to know Fukushima has many of them.

I'm Reipan, and I'm from London and also a little bit from Italy. I've been reading this blog since about the beginning of the year, and this is my first time commenting =) I really enjoy this site, it's helped me answer a lot of questions about Japanese cooking, which I'm very interested in; I get a lot of recipe ideas from here. Carry on as you are! I like the variety of recipes you have on this site.

I found this site while I was looking on Google for a comprehensible onigiri recipe and stumbled across your entry. Curious, I read some more of your recipes, and now I visit the site regularly to see what's new =)

I like food blogs and have been cooking since a young age. Spent my early years in Japan and developed a tongue for Asian Food (Filipino because mom's from there and Japanese because being a child in Japan for me meant lots of snacks/candies/KATSUDON/Yakitori/niku :) ). So what I'd like for you to do a post on would be Wagashi making and/or Katsudon. We make it at home, but it's a bit different (still amazing), but different than the common after-work streetstand version that seems to have the perfect proportions of mirin/dashi/soy sauce. Oh and my attempt at Wagashi do not seem to come out as nice as I want. The mochi in the daifuku I make comes out bitter sometimes, for no apparent reason, although I probably should be using Japanese mochi-ko, just so expensive.

You should write up some desserts using some alternative pastry items, such as a potsticker wrapper, or similar. Or abnormal uses for similar items!

I'm Melissa, from Zürich CH. I've been reading off and on for about 2 years now. I've never left a comment before, but I have emailed you before (once again, thanks for answering my question!).

I would like to see a segment on Japanese-American-European-Asian etiquette, or just some tips about common practices found in different cultures. For instance, I was in the practice of picking up my rice bowl in my left hand while eating. I had done this while eating out at various Korean restaurants and in some homes, and did not realize that this might be considered rude in Korean culture (until I read otherwise online, nobody mentioned it to me, because I guess that, too, would be considered rude). Also, at an after-wedding dinner involving a group of 30-something year-old friends and family, one young lady who happened to be at our table was text messaging until the menus arrived, and before the food arrived. Polite conversation seemed impossible for her, and after wolfing down her meal, she left after leaving precisely the amount of money she calculated she owed towards the bill. While the food is the central to the meal, I find the company with whom the bread is broken is also important.

Thanks for taking the time and energy for the website, and I really enjoy the pictures, too.

I found your blog by googling a food mentioned often in a manga series that i read, (Fruits Basket). And after visiting that first time, became a loyal reader. I have lived in Alaska for 29 years. I am super bad on time, but I would guess-timate that about 8 months to a year of steady readership.
One of our four sons went to Japan to study Japanese language, and has since married the sweetest girl from Hokkaido. They will be coming over to live soon, so I have stepped up my reading of your Japan recipes. That way when she becomes homesick, maybe a taste of Japan will help her out, or at least feel loved far from home.... Could you write a few more home style recipes?
I am a major lurker, never post, well a few times on slashdot....
Your site is the best, keep up the stellar work!

Hi Maki, I'm Pat from Orange County - California. I started reading Just Hungry around May '07...not that long ago. I was searching for demi-glace sauce online and found your site. I didn't find what I was looking for on Just Hungry, but I enjoyed reading the rest of the stuff. I watched J-drama called "Lunch Queen" and it made me want to make omurice with demi-glace sauce! Looks like in Japan there's canned demi-glace, but I can't seem to find that here even though I'm lucky to have Mitsuwa and Marukai marketplaces in my area. I used to have a Japanese roommate during my college years and she got me hooked on Japanese food. Just Hungry saves me from bothering my old friend with Japanese food questions (now that work schedule keeps us busy). I used to call her while at Mitsuwa asking what yamaimo looks like, or what's the difference between one kind of okonomiyaki flour mix and another. I would like to see more fish recipes, and if possible, some images of the ingredient if it's not common, and product package. Thank you!

Hi--I'm Lynne, in Tennessee. I lived in Nagoya briefly a few years ago, and since I love to cook, bought a few cookbooks while I was there. My manshon didn't have much in the way of a kitchen, but when I came back I really started cooking Japanese food, since I missed it a lot. (My partner teases that "homecooking" pretty much equals "Japanese food" at our house).

I found your site a few years back while looking for some recipe or another, and have been reading off and on ever since. I am really grateful for your kaeshi recipe, which I made a batch of early in the summer that let me fix quick and cooling zarusoba and hiyashi somen several times during what turned out to be a record hot August. All your tips and Japanese recipes are great, and I especially appreciate things like the homemade kaeshi, furikake, and tsukemono spices that allow me to make things I either can't find, or that have more salt/sugar/msg than I care to put into my body. Also, since I started making obento while I was in Japan, and carried the habit home with me, I'm really excited about the new site as well. Thank you so much!

hi! my name is Bee.
i'm 14, and i'm from Northern New Jersey. i found your site last year while googling Onigiri. last summer i made you'r pork bun bao, and my whole family loved them. im actually making the bunny bao right now (waiting for the dough to rise =] ) i love you're site and i love just bento too. i am crazy about bento and all my friends love it when i come to school with my adorable lunches.
thanks for the recepies!!

Hi Pat, Gillie, Lynne, Bee and everyone - it's always great to hear that the sites have been useful :)

Bee, I started seriously getting into cooking when I was around 14 too - it's a great hobby isn't it? I hope the bunny bao turned out well!

My name is Claudia, I'm German and I'm obsessed with food (well, that's what my boyfriend says and he's careful not to complain since he's the one mostly benefitting from my obsession). There, I said it ;) I've been following your writing-ups for...oh, maybe a year now and I absolutely love your style. I came across your site via a link on Chocolate&Zucchini and the fact that you live in Zürich caught my eye. I grew up next to the Swiss border in the Southern part of the Black Forest and I very much enjoy reading about your experiences in Switzerland as a foreigner. My brother works and lives in Zürich but I haven't seen much of it yet since Basel is closer to my hometown. I'm a constant mover but except for a seven-month interlude in Madrid (which I adore, especially the food, of course) due to my studies of translation I've kept loyal to my home country so far, though whenever I can (read: when I can scrape together the money) I travel ...but who knows. Currently I am settled down in Mannheim and decided to give Japanese cooking a go but it turns out to be rather difficult finding the ingredients here (Mannheim obviously is a Turkish colony).
I started cooking and baking at a very tender age, actually ever since I was tall enough to stand on a chair on my own and not get too messy while helping my mom. I think the reason I like food and preparing it so much is mostly that it reminds me of my family, because eating has always played a vital part in our life. Meals were the time when everybody met (plus a couple of neighbours or friends or relatives or...) chatted, fought, laughed and did all the things a family usually does. Food for me is comfort, when I'm lonely or feeling low I cook or bake, it calms me down as it is kind of a meditation and a synaesthetic thing that touches all of your senses. And, seriously, beating the heck out of a yeast dough is definitely cathartic :)
Well, 'nough said, actually I'm rather shy...usually.
Keep up the great work, hopefully, I'll soon give one of your Japanese recipes a try and report back. Oh, and this is my second post so far.
Love your site!!!

Thanks for visiting, and for the long comment also Claudia! I do hope you will give the recipes a try too. It sounds like you have a similar relationship to food that I do. :)

hi maki
i live in montevideo, uruguay. its probably been close to a year that i have looked to your site for cooking ideas for my personal clients. i think i might have added a comment here some time ago.

i love the way you design your site and i just recently subscribed to just bento.

my other half and i are lacto-ovo-veggies, so maybe more ideas for us non-meat eaters.


It's great to know that people are really visiting from all over the world! I think you are the first and only person so far from Uruguay though Odeliza. I'll try to have more non-meat recipes for sure. Thank you for commenting!

-Hi, I'm Ariel- I live in Minneapolis, MN, where I was born.

-I've been reading Just Hungry and Just Bento for a week and a half!

-I may have left a comment, introducing myself.

-I found the site because I was googling pictures of Bento boxes- I then read more and became very interested in your outlook on bento- packing lunches that are low-fat, high-nutrition, not about the "fanciness" of the box but about the quality of the food. I'm an actor / office worker, and don't have a lot of money to spend on food, but have found that I can really spice up my routine by going to imported food stores. I'm also really eating-adventurous, love fish/seaweed, and am big on packing my own lunch... I like all the descriptions of Japanese / Asian ingredients- they're helpful.

-More quick recipes would be great. Also, recipes for steamed buns with things inside them- I know, not very healthy or quick, but really delicious.... More egg-based recipes would be neat.

Hi Maki,

I am an Asian girl writing to you from Texas.

I found your blog some months ago while searching online for a Japanese recipe (can't remember which one) and just fell in love with your blog. Don't think I have left a comment before since I am mostly a lurker.

Your recipes are great, along with the detailed instructions and nice pics. I have had quite a few successes with your recipes! One success is the home made soy milk. My hubby really enjoys it. Thanks for teaching me how to make it without a soy milk maker! Another one is the steamed eggplants with peanut sauce. I am usually not a fan of eggplants but the sauce made it really good. The pasta bolognese was also yummy! Actually I have some leftover sauce sitting in the fridge right now (made it two nights ago). The kaeshi is also good and so is the dipping sauce for the soba noodles. I had tried another dipping sauce recipe from a Japanese cookbook awhile back but the sauce didn't taste as good.

Please continue posting more recipes! Since I am still trying to learn more Japanese home cooked dishes, I would love to see maybe more pics of the unusual ingredients as well as which brands you use (and pics of that if possible). It will make it easier to track those down in the store.

Thanks again for a WONDERFUL site!

Hello Maki,

Finally, I sat down to answer your post and to tell you how much I like your blog:)

My name is Anna. I am Polish but I live in Portugal for seven years (I have a Portuguese husband). I have been reading your blog since the beginning of this year. I found you by Chocolate and Zucchini blog, and your lentil-chestnut soup recipe (very nice one, by the way:). From the first I was just searching for vegetable recipes (I´m trying to eat more of them), then I started to get interested in Japanese food (what I learnt about it , it is thanks to you). Now I read all of your posts because I was captured by your style of writing and the topics that I find very interesting,serious and informative. I have already tried many of your recipes and they really worked very well!
And thanks to you I made my first soy milk and tofu that was a great experience:)
I also find your new blog about bento very interesting and cute. I am thinking about trying some of their recipes as I like to prepare meals for my husband to take to work. And yes, we both need to lose some weight, too:)

About things that I would like to see more on Just Hungry: I really enjoy reading all kinds of your posts, but o.k., please put more recipes:)

This is my first comment on your blog!

Thank you Maki for your dedication to maintaing such a great website! Congratulations and wishes of continuation!


Hi, I'm Hazel from Malaysia. I love reading your blog so much. Your description in explaining the every single steps of the cooking is very clear. Recently I'm trying to cook a Japanese dish call "Omuraisu" but I have the difficulty to make the sauce demi-glace. To get an instant packed demiglace sauce in Malaysia is pretty hard in fact is so rare in our country. I would appreciate if you can provide me with the recipe of the demiglace sauce. Many thanks and keep up your good works.

demi-glace sauce is very, very time consuming to make. You need to make a stock from beef bones and veal and vegetables and cook it down for hours. So...I don't really do it since it only really makes sense to make at restaurant quantities. You may be able to buy a demi-glace sauce concentrate (this is something commonly available in Japan, but not so much elsewhere). Otherwise, I just use ketchup, or a mixture of ketchup and Bulldog sauce (tonkatsu sauce), which is fine too. See thhayashi rice recipe for a bit more about demiglace. (This is my omuraisu recipe too.)

I'm Sally and I'm from Shropshire in the UK. I have been reading your blog for a few weeks now, and have left a couple of comments along the way.

I really like the style of your writing, and the food looks great. I'd like more Japanese recipes on the site, other than that, it's all just fab :-)

Oh, and I found your site from the Bentolunch community on Livejournal, and I found that from a link on Lunch in a Box. And I think I found that site from a link on another site...and so on and so forth!

Hi Maki. I am Abbie. I posted comment on your blog once and got replied right away, which I was very pleased with. What I would like to see more on your blog are recipes for light and healthy eating. I just printed the recipe for "brown rice and green tea porridge". I am thinking about making it tomorrow. I also would like to see more bento recipe. I have known your blogs for a while now (probaby about 6 months with JustHungry and 3 months with Bento). I found your JustHungry blog when I was searching for Japanese recipes. Absolutely love both of them. Keep up the good work!

Konichiwa Maki-san!

My name is Dina. I just recently found your website, because I was looking for a Tamagoyaki recipe. I really love Japanese food. I was spoiled growing up because my parents were in the Air Force so I lived in Japan (Yokota AFB near Fussa-shi)for four years and then when I enlisted in the Air Force I got sent to Japan again (Misawa AFB about an hour outside of Aomori). I enjoy eating Japanese food because of the flavors and the simplicity of it. I really miss having hamburga steak from Hoka Hoka tei or cooking for myself at places like The Viking. I just would love to see more and more Japanese recipes. Right now I'm making Orinigi.

I come from a Cajun and Turkish background so I grew up with those foods mostly Cajun but I wanted to enjoy the food I really remember growing up in Japan. So any and all Japanese recipes that are Vegetarian I'd love to see more of! Thanks for having this site!!


Hi Maki! My name is Angela. I'm from Moscow, Russia.
I've never written here before because I can't finish reading the "old" part of the site and get to the present days yet. And I do really want to understand your every post, so I need to know what was before=)
I'm here for three months or so(found it after searching at least some information on bentos) and it helps a lot when I'm trying to cook. You write so understandable and interesting things even I can do something after reading your posts. I'm not a totally bad cook, but for me it's important to find a simply made recipe. And if I find one I can do anything!
The page is everything you want to see at a food blog, so just don't stop writing)))

Hi Maki,

I'm Hanna from Norway.I think I started reading Just Hungry (and Just Bento) summer 2012, right after I got back from a wonderful trip to Japan. I've left some comments, but no emails. I found the site when searching for Japanese recipes and ingredients. I love eating and cooking Japanese! I like that you present healthier recipes, and articles about a certain ingredient etc. And I also like that although it's a food blog, we get to know you a little bit when you tell us about your life, otherwise it would be just an online cookbook. What I'd like to see more is a focus on health effects of the foods on the blog, and something about food safety as non-Japanese are not used to handle many of the items (maybe there are a lot of post on this; I haven't read for very long and might have missed them). And, I appreciate the occasional post on Japanese culture and etiquette!