links for 2006-09-05
A Greeley, Colorado institution is up for sale on the owner's 12 year old son. Could account for the typo...
The news article about Bubba's.
Using celebrity chef-labeled restaurants to lure hotel guests. Includes info about which celebrity chef is associated with which (mostly ultra-expensive) hotel.
If you live in Sydney, Australia or plan to visit soon, you could win tickets to see Jamie Oliver live! (if you get to the 'select your country' page, just select Australia)
UK magazine Good Food conducted a survey of most influential TV chefs; Jamie Oliver comes out on top.
Hmm. This report from a Chinese news source says 45 pupils were hospitalized..
...same story, but Reuters says over 200. Interesting :)
A top chef at Gordon Ramsay's Savoy Grill restaurant in London caught stealing 'several hundred pounds' worth of pots and things. Oops.
holy moly
Submitted by maki on 2006-09-05 03:38.
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