A quick update to show I'm still alive ^_^ Also some photos from Japan.
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japan japanese culture personal
I really hate having to post things like this, but I should explain my lack of posts here... I've been in a lot of pain for the past couple of weeks, and it seems I have a very bad infection, which may or may not be related to the cancer situation. It is painful even to sit up straight, which means I cannot do much typing on my computer. I can type lying down on my iPad but...that doesn't work that well for longer texts. And to be honest, food is about the furthest thing from my mind right now...So posts will be a bit sparse until I feel better.
Thanks for your understanding. T_T I really hope this clears up soon so I can get back on my feet...or at least. my butt.
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This is my second year of being a type 2 diabetic - my surgeries and other cancer treatments having somehow pushed me over the edge from the prediabetic range. Although diabetes is a very widespread disease (more than 100 million Americans are diagnosed with type 2 or pre-diabetes, a staggering number), many people have no idea what it's like to live with it, and how diabetics keep it under control. Yes, us diabetics do have to be careful about our sugar intake, or anything that makes our blood glucose levels spike. But for most of us, unless we are at a very serious level, manage to live with it pretty well.
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essays diabetes personal
It's been a while, but here's another Sketch Diary entry.
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personal sketch diary
This year's New Year's feast back home in Japan was taken over by the next generation of women in our family.
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holidays japan cool stuff from japan personal
As I'm now re-booting my food blogs again, I thought I'd start off with a little musing about the future direction of this site as well as JustBento.
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An update. Finally, right?
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site news personal
Essayist, journalist, screenwriter and movie director Nora Ephron passed away yesterday at the age of 71. She wrote about the joy of food as well as anyone.
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essays writers personal
You'd think that having gone through major surgery, radiation therapy, a burglary, my father's death, and all that kind of thing, my life would be so much easier by now.
But, noooo. It's actually sort of worse. It's now the Attack Of The House.
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My sister is a pretty amazing pastry chef.
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party food cake personal desserts