My niece Rena tucks into teuchi udon (handmade udon).
I am occasionally asked via email or Twitter or even in person, to post a recipe that is Asian but not Japanese. In most cases, I have to say that I have no idea how to make it. Well that wouldn't be exactly true: I could look it up online or in cookbooks and replicate a recipe here. But then, so could you. So could anyone.
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essays philosophy
Some real meat this time.
Filed under:
essays ethics philosophy meat japan
Let's pretend that there are no tiresome restrictions like visas and such. If eating well were the only criteria, where in the world would you move to?
Filed under:
offbeat philosophy
A bit of a look back at 2008, plus making a Wish List for 2009 and beyond.
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essays philosophy
For a few months in 2006, I changed the banner graphic of the site every month to reflect the season.
There are a couple of things that I wish I had done differently during the last five years as far as Just Hungry was concerned. If you are a newish food blogger, or any kind of blogger, perhaps this will help you avoid these mistakes.
(This giveaway is now closed. Thank you for participating! The winner will be announced next week!)
Filed under:
site news philosophy freebies
The header graphic of the 2nd design of Just Hungry displayed one of these 4 illustrations at random.
As I wrote yesterday, when I started Just Hungry I had no plans at all about the theme of the site, other than it would be about food. I think that you could get away with that back then, when the number of actual food blogs was probably still in the low hundreds.
__This giveaway is now closed. Thank you for participating!
Filed under:
essays site news philosophy
The image that I used in my first page design banner. I still love it.
During this giveaway week, I thought I'd indulge myself by sharing some reminiscences about the past five years of Just Hungry. Today: Why I started the site.
This giveaway is now closed. Thank you for participating!
Filed under:
site news philosophy freebies essay
In the past few years, the popularity of Japanese food has exploded, with sushi leading the way. You might think that as the owner of a blog that is mainly dedicated to Japanese cooking, I'd be ecstatic about that.
I am happy, sure. It's gratifying to gradually see the cuisine of my birthplace being recognized as something special. But on the other hand, I'm more than a bit skeptical. I wonder if, in a few years, hipster 'foodies' are going to turn their noses up at Japanese cuisine. "That was so naughties" they might be saying sometime in 2015, as they tuck into the latest craze for - I don't know what.
Filed under:
books and media japanese philosophy
Submitted by maki on 15 August, 2008 - 02:28
[Updated to add Substitution section.]
I haven't exactly counted it up, but of the thousands of comments left on Just Hungry, not to mention Just Bento, probably at least a quarter are questions about ingredients or ingredient substitutions. So I thought I might put down what my criteria are for what kind of ingredients I choose to feature in the recipes on either site, especially when it comes to Japanese recipes. [Update added on August 15th, 2008]: I've also added some suggested, and acceptable, substitutions.
feature Filed under:
japanese ingredients philosophy produce
Today is Green Day, and we're being bombarded with Green Day Sales, reminders as to how Green this company or the other is, and so on. It's a big topic nowadays.
I feel that the things that we can do as individuals is getting increasingly muddy. For a while it seemed like biofuels were a solution, but now the huge demand for plant-based fuels may be causing serious food shortages. Food miles and locavorism may not be as clear cut a solution either. Michael Pollan says we should start growing our own vegetables, but that's not possible for a lot of people, for space or time reasons.
Is there something relatively easy we can do? Sort of.
Filed under:
ethics philosophy meat