October 2006


[Update:] Now you can buy Sprüngli chocolates online to be shipped worldwide! See the Shop page for details.

Filed under:  chocolate food destinations food events swiss shopping zurich

I am off to England for about a week. While it's supposed to be partly for work, somehow I've managed to schedule an awful lot of food-related things in there. One of them will be my first molecular biology..I mean.. gastronomy... experience, at The Fat Duck, on Hallowe'en. Concidentally, BBC 2 is going to be showing part 1 of a two-part documentary about Heston Blumenthal that very evening. We're going to lunch so it should be fun to see that after having experienced the restaurant.

Filed under:  site news
Keep reading Off to England →
Rachael Ray Gives the Gift of Time "Ms. Ray’s recipes may call for store-bought turkey loaf but she is really trafficking in the ultimate modern luxury: time." (tags: rachaelray tv chefs foodtv magazines)...

Mark Gatiss as Johnnie and Julia Davis as Fanny Cradock on Fear of Fanny

Fear of Fanny is the second in a series of biopics being aired by BBC Four this month. This time, the subject is Fanny Cradock, who ruled as a TV chef in the U.K. in the '60s to the '70s.

Filed under:  books and media tv chefs
Nestlé says oops | GenevaLunch the chocolate manufacturer admits to making a mistake with their Cailler line packaging, and will re-do it. (tags: chocolate packaging switzerland nestle) A loaf of bread, a jug of wine, and... me | Ask...

I really had to look twice at the calendar to make sure I hadn't suddenly skipped ahead a few months to April 1st when I read this news story:

Filed under:  essays ingredients offbeat marmite

I know some people who follow Just Hungry also used to read my makikoitoh.com site, where I mostly talk about things like design in general, web design and development in particular, and so on. It's been dormant for a long time but I've just re-designed and revived it so please give it a visit!

Filed under:  site news
Why do you need to rinse quinoa? Or for that matter, rice? I always wash both in several changes of water, for different reasons. Both come out better after washing I think. (tags: quinoa rice grains)...
Posy's Party Cakes!: Project Runway Finale Cakes Adorable cupcakes based on the designs of the 4 Project Runway finalists, plus "Carry On!" pink cupcakes. (tags: cupcake cute projectrunway bravotv foodblogs) Italians get choosier about food Italians believe in the...
Elitism about biotech keeps food from hungry The author argues that the bias against biotechnology, especially in Europe, is elitism, since biotech can help to feed the poor in many parts of the world. (tags: biotechnology foodscience foodpolitics hunger...
