Japanese curry hotness levels, and my favorite childhood curry.
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food destinations restaurants curry japan tokyo shinjuku

For Food Destinations No. 5, the theme of which is "Where Everybody Knows Your Name", our first inclination was to pick a restaurant we go to often. But while we have some favorites, we don't really go to any one restaurant more than once or twice a month on average, since we like variety when eating out. On the other hand, there are a couple of food stores that we shop in almost every day, where they truly know our names. One of our favorite haunts is our very typically Swiss local farm shop in the suburbs of Zürich.
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food destinations food events food travel shopping switzerland
Food Destinations is back for round 5! This time it's hosted by Natalia of From Our Kitchen, and the theme is Where Everybody Knows Your Name. <a href="Details are here! The deadline is March 18th.
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food destinations food events
The roundup for Food Destinations #4: My Favorite Gourmet Shopping Spot is now up on Mango and Lime. Be sure to check it out for some great descriptions of mouthwatering stores. Food and shopping, a great combination!
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food destinations food events foodie gifts shopping
The theme of the fourth round of Food Destinations, hosted by Paula of Mango and Lime, is My Favorite Gourmet Gift Shopping Spot.
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food destinations food events swiss shopping zurich
Food Destinations #4 has been announced. The theme is My Favorite Gourmet Gift Shopping Spot, and the host is Paula of Mango and Lime. Go over to check out the details here.
Paula is offering a great prize too!
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food destinations food events
Emily of Chocolate in Context has posted her roundup of Food Destinations #3: My Favorite Chocolate Shop [edit: URL corrected now]. Be sure to check out the drool-worthy entries. Mmm, chocolate...
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food destinations

[Update:] Now you can buy Sprüngli chocolates online to be shipped worldwide! See the Shop page for details.
Filed under:
chocolate food destinations food events swiss shopping zurich
Food Destinations is back for round 3! This time, it's hosted by Emily of Chocolate in Context, and the theme is My Favorite Chocolate Shop. Mmm, chocolate. Go over to Emily's site and read up on the details! The deadline is October 30th.
Filed under:
food destinations food events