If you visit this site using a browser (this won't work if you're using a newsreader), and click on an image, in most cases you'll be able to see a larger version of the image in popup "window" (it won't open a separate browser window, but pop up right in your current window.) For all recipe step-by-steps for example, you can click on the small image thumbnail to bring up a better view. Note, this only works for the more recent articles posted since early February , but I'll be using this feature in all future posts.
Filed under:
site news geekery
Not quite food related, but, uhm, it's about toasters. And toast. This has been around for a few months but what the heck, I just found it today. Retro Toast is a free (Creative Commons) version of the classic early '90s screensaver, Flying Toasters! Flying toasters, and other After Dark products like their awesome Star Trek themed desktops, were what converted young bratty "but everyone uses Peecees" spouting self permanently to the light (the world of Macs) forever. That was....7 Macs ago. I feel old now. Retro Toast is available for the dark..I mean, Windows, as well as OS X.
Filed under:
geekery offbeat
I own a lot of cookbooks that are published in the world of pounds, ounces and farenheit (mostly the U.S....British cookbooks nowadays have metric or both metric and imperial) and the rest of the world, which uses metric. I also read various web sites and food blogs from all over the world. Converting units from one and the other can be a bit of a bother, so I try to include both in my recipes. I am guilty of using American cup measurements sometimes, but I try to limit that to recipes were the amount doesn't have to be totally exact, such as for bread.
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basics geekery
If you're not familiar with del.icio.us, it's a great, very easy way to keep track of bookmarks regardless of your location, and to share them with other people. I've been using del.icio.us to keep track of mostly geeky bookmarks (as in my working life I am a geek), but it just came to me that it's a great way to keep track of recipes too.
Filed under:
geekery how-to