Juucy fragrant peaches work surprisingly well in this summertime appetizer pasta.
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fruit vegetarian summer pasta vegan appetizers
I've left it until rather late in the season, but here is a recipe for a a very basic yet utterly delicious strawberry jam.
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fruit preserves and pickles spring summer
As it turns out, my latest Japan Times article and my very first one are both about the same thing - natsubate, or summer fatigue.
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japan times summer
A recipe for a very simple, tender cherry clafoutis with browned butter. No nuts or other additions.
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french desserts sweet fruit summer gluten-free

My latest article in the Japan Times is about the history of corn (maize) in Japan, and includes a recipe for chilled corn soup that's really easy to make.
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summer writing elsewhere food history japantimes

A mini-version of the usual stuffed peppers.
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summer bento beef meat
About bitter gourd or bitter melon, called nigauri in Japanese and goya or go-ya- in Okinawan. Plus, a recipe for the most homey of Okinawan dishes, goya chanpuru or champuru.
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japanese tofu summer pork okinawa eggs

(From the archives. If you're planning a big Fourth of July party, consider this very colorful, cool dessert, which I made for a party several years ago. There are a lot of steps involved, but you can cut corners with storebought meringue and sugar cookies if you prefer. Originally published in July 2006 (!))
I love outdoor parties in the summer, especially when it means a barbeque. July the 4th barbeque parties are the best, and I miss them sorely when I am not in the U.S. This year though, we are going to have a July the 4th party on Sunday (since the 4th is not a holiday here), complete with grilled hamburgers, wurst, and chicken. Someone else is going to do all that grilling, so I am making the dessert.
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dessert fruit party food weekend project summer