The roundup for Food Destinations #4: My Favorite Gourmet Shopping Spot is now up on Mango and Lime. Be sure to check it out for some great descriptions of mouthwatering stores. Food and shopping, a great combination!
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food destinations food events foodie gifts shopping
The theme of the fourth round of Food Destinations, hosted by Paula of Mango and Lime, is My Favorite Gourmet Gift Shopping Spot.
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food destinations food events swiss shopping zurich
I am back from England. As is usual when I go there, in a food sense it was a mixed bag. On the positive side, I got to experience two real, unique - and very different - highlights in The Pudding Club and The Fat Duck.
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food travel restaurants shopping uk

[Update:] Now you can buy Sprüngli chocolates online to be shipped worldwide! See the Shop page for details.
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chocolate food destinations food events swiss shopping zurich

Olive oil is so ubiquitous nowadays that you may not even think twice about it. But the world of olive oil goes so much deeper than you might imagine. It's not just about buying a bottle labeled Extra Virgin and trusting it's all good.
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ingredients shopping olive oil zurich italian
I must confess something. I almost thought about changing the theme for this second round of Food Destinations, after receiving not a few emails saying things along the lines of "Great idea, but I've already talked enough about my local green/food/farmer's market".
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food destinations food events food travel shopping markets

This is my entry for Food Destinations #2: My Local Market.
There are several fresh food markets in Zürich. I was actually going to talk about another one, but someone else had covered it already (as you'll see in the roundup!), so I decided to head to the market at Helvetiaplatz.
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food destinations food events swiss shopping zurich markets
Ooh, baby. This is the Sub Zero Pro 48, aka Fridge Porn.
Our old refrigerator is dying.
It's about 15 years old, so I suppose it has a right to die. Still, it depresses me to think about it. On a list of indispensable appliances in the modern household, fridges have to be near the top. When it malfunctions, it's like your heart beating irregularly. It's really stressful.
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equipment essays ethics shopping

Dim Sum
I understand that there are supposedly better-quality places for dim sum in New York nowadays, but those gringo-run and/or uptown restaurants require bothersome things like reservations, and personally, making reservations for dim sum just seems wrong. Waiting for a table at a garishly lit noisy restaurant with cafeteria atmosphere is part of the fun. Besides, what non-Chinese-run dim sum palace would serve stewed tripe?
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food travel restaurants new york chinese shopping
OMG, the line...
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food travel new york shopping