July 2006

Regular readers of this site may wonder about the lack of recipes recently. Truth is, I haven't been doing much real cooking lately, as in taking out the pots and pans and turning on the heat. While summer here in Switzerland is quite tolerable due to cool mornings and evenings, during the day the temperature does reach the 30s celsius which isn't too nice since, as with most Swiss houses, we don't have air conditioning. Besides, even if you do have air conditioning or cool evenings, there are so many other things to do during the summer that cooking becomes a low priority, doesn't it?

Filed under:  party food snack nuts sandwich

L'Esperance, Vezelay, France

(Note: the correct accented title should be L'Espérance, Saint-Père-sous-Vézelay, France, but this makes the entry disappear from search results so it has the incorrect un-accented version.)

Filed under:  food travel restaurants france

Since I started this site almost three years ago, there have been a plethora of food related terms cropping up that I have no idea of the meaning of. This worries me a bit since I'm supposed to be a Serious Foodie. Thankfully, the interweb allows all of us to fake being an expert. Here are a few phrases that have entered my consciousness lately.

Filed under:  essays offbeat terminology
Threadless T-Shirts - sticks of SHAME I cannot use chopsticks. For this reason, my face burns with shame! And I'm full Japanese! Yes, my secret is out - I need this t-shirt! (okay I can use chopsticks, but not...


Dim Sum

I understand that there are supposedly better-quality places for dim sum in New York nowadays, but those gringo-run and/or uptown restaurants require bothersome things like reservations, and personally, making reservations for dim sum just seems wrong. Waiting for a table at a garishly lit noisy restaurant with cafeteria atmosphere is part of the fun. Besides, what non-Chinese-run dim sum palace would serve stewed tripe?

Filed under:  food travel restaurants new york chinese shopping

I try to do various things to minimize jetlag, but my body clock is still slightly screwed up whenever I fly over the Atlantic. After all it is a 6 hour time difference. So I've found myself waking up faithfully at 4:30am every day since I got to New York. This isn't all bad...it means I can deal with all the emails waiting and so on while it's still quiet, though it does mean that by 10pm I'm already nodding off.

Filed under:  essays tv advertising
Diner’s Journal - “Tender!” + “Handsome!” = “Dishonest” by Frank Bruni - Dining - New York Times Blog Movie ads do it all the time with reviews. Now it seems restaurants are judiciously editing restaurant reviews, leaving only the...
